The Men’s Conference “Pole Dance” Follow Up

Well, once again Christian megachuch pastors are falling all over themselves to smooth over ruffled feathers. After Mark Driscoll gave a Holy Spirit driven rebuke of a pagan display from the platform of a large men’s conference, he decided to return and give his planned message. Of course the spineless pastor Lindell is just giddy …

Moses Blessing

You have joy, Israel! Who is like you? You are a people delivered by the LORD, your protective shield and your exalted sword. May your enemies cringe before you; may you trample on their backs. Deuteronomy 33:29 In the midst of war against their enemies, it seems the world is turning its back on Israel. …

The Revelation 6:15 Bunkers

Then the kings of the earth, the very important people, the generals, the rich, the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 3 – 12 Simple Rules

The last post gave my 7 overarching principles to help frame personal biblical study and interpretation. In this post, I’d like to recommend several rules to help you extract intended meaning from the text. All this means is letting the Bible text speak for itself. The simple rules provided here are the mechanics of that …

The Hunger for Something Different

Started forward with home church, four people, two couples. We held the first meeting at my house. I think I underestimated the amount of work to prepare. It wasn’t unlike a small home Bible study we hosted years ago in our home. Worship What are we going to do for worship? I used to lead …

Visioning a Home Church

Starting a home church is not to say there are not good churches out there. I am sure there are but I can’t find one. I know there are pros and cons but the loss of the local neighborhood church is tragic and even unbiblical and the further down the dark road this country goes, …

Why can’t I find a church?

I wrote this but wrestled with the notion of actually posting it because it’s kind of personal. But it is my blog and my personal faith journey and maybe someone out there will resonate with some of this. Maybe not. Anyway.,. I’ve been searching for a church for about 18 months. I’ve been unsuccessful. The …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 1 – Biblical Illiteracy

A recent poll said that only 17% of Christians in the US indicated the Bible as the primary influence on their perspectives about the current war in Israel against Hamas (Survey). This was a distant second to the media (44%). Another poll from for 2022 indicates that among those who identify as evangelicals, 77% …

Can a Born Again Christian be Demon Possessed Part 4 – My Answer

Finally, in this post, I will give my answer about this important question about whether or not a born again Christian can be possessed by a demon. This is a long post but I want Christians to understand about this. The New Testament has a significant amount of detail about the unseen realm (to borrow …

Can a Born Again Christian be Demon Possessed Part 3 – More about demons

This is part of a series of posts about the demonic realm, specifically, about demon possession. Its not something discussed in church for various reasons. I suppose its considered dark subject matter and yet the scriptures devote some real estate to this topic. Its not dark if its in the bible. Its light. The Holy …