Amir Tsarfati – Another Gospel?

I am growing increasingly concerned about the repeated comments on the Telegram channel of Amir Tsarfati from him regarding who is saved and who is not saved. Amir believes and forcefully pushes a narrative that anyone who does not love Israel is not saved. Note the following comments: The spirit of the God of Israel …

Testimony of Healing

30 years ago, my wife was supernaturally healed. The Lord has had us keep this testimony private until the time was right. That day has arrived. The Disease I was saved in December, 1992 when a coworker shared the gospel with me on a business trip. At the time, I was a captain in the …

Peter, John, the Lame Beggar and Paywalls

Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time for prayer, at three o’clock in the afternoon. And a man lame from birth was being carried up, who was placed at the temple gate called “the Beautiful Gate” every day so he could beg for money from those going into the …

The Collapse of the Assad Regime

The last few days have been dramatic in Syria. The Assad regime is crumbling under the rapid onslaught of Syrian rebel forces that moved rapidly to take Aleppo, a key strategic city. Whoever controls Aleppo controls half of Syria, probably the northern half at this point since Assad’s army is retreating to the south. It …