Reasons to Believe

Do all spiritual belief systems and religions of man lead to the same afterlife? Do all spiritual perspectives point to the same God? Hugely important questions!

I’ll give some reasons why the Bible should be considered as the only source of spiritual truth that leads to eternal life for those who believe.

The Bible conveys a supernatural, spiritual reality about the existence of one God who is creator and sustainer of all things, one God who has established order in the universe and to whom we all are subject to. There is also an ultimate system of justice based on God’s Law as documented in ancient texts we call the scriptures or the Bible. God’s Justice is based on his unchanging standards and applies to all regardless of personal belief.

The logical question becomes: is the bible true? Its a fair question, but the same question must be asked of any belief system: Islam, Buddhism, etc. What do you believe and why do you believe it? My sincere hope for anyone is that they would at least consider, with an open mind, the Bible. The stakes for each of us are very high.

What Is Truth?

Jesus got this question from a Roman Governor of Judea during an interesting exchange as He stood accused by the Jews before his crucifixion.

Then Pilate said, “So you are a king!” Jesus replied, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world—to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate asked, “What is truth?”

John 18:37-38

Is there objective truth, i.e. things that remain true forever – things that are the basis for evaluating all other truth claims? Jesus indicated to Pilate that he came to testify to the truth. So according to Jesus, apparently there is objective, exclusive truth. Without exclusive truth there is only confusion and deception.

If you are going to accept any claims of exclusive truth then it would seem reasonable and logical to do so on the basis of at least some compelling evidence. Life altering decisions should not be based on hearsay and prevailing opinions on social media. It is much wiser to make life decisions based on a body of evidence as defined by a preponderance of testimony from a variety of witnesses and physical artifacts that support claims of truth.

Basic logic dictates that we should reject falsehood and embrace the truth. The challenge is to discern which is which. How do we do that? Evidence. Examine the evidence.

If the Bible is not true but accepted as true, then Christians are fools. But if its true and it is rejected as false, then unbelievers are fools and have a very big problem.

Can the bible be proven as the source of exclusive spiritual truth? Can every single claim of truth be corroborated through observation and measurement?

Not everything can be examined directly. But what we can do is examine the evidence we do have and decide if it provides enough confidence for us to accept the rest of the testimony of the bible based on the foundation of what is irrefutable evidence. We do this all the time with in our lives. So it is even in the scientific discovery process. We must make decisions and judgements hundreds of times every day based on limited information.

Do you reject the Bible? Is your rejection based on what you have heard from others or based on your own research of the case for and against the Bible. If you bias your research with looking at only reasons not to accept it as God’s word then your conclusions are tainted. If you accept the opinions of others who reject the Bible then you are basing an incredibly important life decision on hearsay.

Whether you accept the bible as truth or not, it does have some very clear teachings about who God is, how the universe came into existence, the unseen realm, good, evil, who we are, our greatest need, and our destiny in eternity as determined by our choices in this life. Do your homework to make sure you are accepting or rejecting based on facts you find on your own. If you take some time to investigate the bible on your own, with some intellectual honesty, you may find yourself having to make the most important decision you will ever make.

Types of Evidence for the Bible

If you are trying to figure out if the Bible is true, here are several categories of evidence to consider. I think it will help:

  • Eyewitness testimony: One category of evidence to consider is eyewitness testimony in the Bible itself. Eyewitness testimony is valid in the courtroom and the Bible is full of eyewitness testimony. Consider the Apostle Paul, once an enemy of the Christian faith, who became its staunchest defender. Why? Paul was an eyewitness to the risen Christ. It’s what changed him.
  • Archeology: thousands of archeological finds corroborate the historical accounts in the Bible. Ruins of cities exist in the locations as specified. Jerusalem, Jericho, Babylon, Rome, Bethlehem, Corinth, on and on it goes. Kings and kingdoms we know of from ancient history are named on stone tablets thousands of years old. Museums are full of evidence.
  • Geography: numerous geographical descriptions of various locations are accurate. Rivers, mountains, islands, roads all are exactly as described. There is a fairly detailed list of places called out in the bible on Wikipedia. Check it out.
  • Consistency: The bible is really a library of writings from 40 different authors developed over about 1600 years in different cultures, different periods of ancient history, and different languages. It is consistent in its depiction of the nature and character of the God of Israel as the one true God, the creator, and His creation. It is consistent in its description of moral and spiritual principles and the theme of God’s redemptive plan as spoken of through the biblical prophets and the Apostles of Christ.
  • Biblical Prophecy: In my opinion, prophecy is the main reason to accept the Bible as true. Biblical prophets made predictions, not from their own minds, but from the revelation of God through them to the nation of Israel, the surrounding pagan nations, empires, kings, and to all people of history present and future. All biblical prophecy points in one direction: the final judgement and disposition of all wickedness, darkness, all evil entities and those who reject God and Messiah, and the establishment of the Kingdom of God and of Jesus Christ – the final Kingdom which shall remain forever.

Prophetic Accuracy of the Bible

The prophetic accuracy of scripture is 100%. Most prophecies have already been fulfilled, some remain. All that has been spoken of through the apostles, the prophets, and Jesus Christ Himself shall be fulfilled. All the prophetically consistent pieces are almost in place – even coming together before our very eyes.

The best example of prophetic fulfillment is concerning the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He was promised in Genesis 3 and prophesied in many places prior to his coming: his life, his mission, his death, his resurrection. Isaiah 9 predicted his birth; Isaiah 53 predicted his death, as does Psalm 22. The best place to see how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies is the gospel of Matthew. Part of its purpose was to identify Jesus as the Messiah by showing how he fulfilled the prophecies.

Upcoming Prophecies

Did you know that a global government and economy was predicted by the biblical prophets and Apostles thousands of years ago? A global economy built on a Central Bank Digital Currency is coming soon. Cash will no longer be accepted or necessary. Also, technology is in development to track your every move and expenditure. The use of CBDC and trackers will be introduced as a voluntary system that will quickly become mandatory. The soon coming global government will control everyone eventually. Such a global financial and social system was predicted in biblical prophecy and coming into reality remarkably fast. A global religion is also coming soon to a church near you. Yep, just as predicted in the bible – and that religion will not be Christianity.

All of history is about to culminate in the final push of darkness and evil to establish a worldwide system that will soon be ruled by a person identified in scripture as the “son of perdition” – the beast. This is what has been predicted and this is what will happen.  If you are looking forward to a socialist system then you are going to get your wish. Its going to happen. If you think its going to bring peace and justice to the world, its not.  Terrible times are coming for the world.

Everyone is playing their part in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Its the ultimate irony that those who reject God and don’t believe biblical prophecy are actually fulfilling biblical prophecy.

Many reject the God of the bible out-of-hand and accept other spiritual paths without question. Paganism is making a big comeback just as predicted by the bible. This was the pattern time after time in ancient Israel.  It continues to be the same pattern, even today. 

The prophets and the Apostles of the bible have spoken about what is coming in the near future. They have spoken from God about what will happen. No matter what you believe about biblical prophecy, you can’t escape it. Now is a good time to find out more about those prophecies. They will absolutely affect your life whether you believe or not.

I hope you will consider these as reasons to believe the Bible is indeed true.

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