Moses Blessing

You have joy, Israel! Who is like you? You are a people delivered by the LORD, your protective shield and your exalted sword. May your enemies cringe before you; may you trample on their backs.

Deuteronomy 33:29

In the midst of war against their enemies, it seems the world is turning its back on Israel. But I suppose this has to happen. Otherwise, how will they ever come to the point where they once again rely on the God of Israel instead of everything else? The day will come in which Israel is alone. It will not go well with nations who turn their back on God’s people.

At times, given the spiritually pathetic condition of western nations who have turned their back on God, I think the only thing that delays judgement is the thin thread of military support still provided to Israel at this time. But that support, once unconditional, is becoming increasingly conditional to the point where its now used as leverage over the head of Israel’s government, trying to compel them to knuckle under to a 2 state solution that their enemies don’t want and Israel cannot live with. It’s all political and simply kowtows to the enemy, putting Jewish lives at risk.

There is not much Christians can do except pray that God’s prophetic purpose will be accomplished, our nations continue to support Israel, and for the peace of Jerusalem. We can’t change the policy of our godless governments towards Israel. But we should pray that the support for Israel will continue even though there may be disagreement with them on various policies. Its not our place to dictate to Israel what they can or cannot do to protect their country and their citizens. They must have latitude to decide that on their own. And we must support them.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is tantamount to praying for the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah, Jesus Christ on the earth. That day will come and there will be peace. But before then, there will be a lot more conflict centered on Israel. Prophetically, that’s just the way it is. And one day, when they are isolated and on their own and out of resources to hold back the enemy, then there will be room for God’s deliverance. And it will come. Then, once again, all the nations will know He is the Lord.

My hope is that our people, our government will support Israel. Our own survival may rely on it. But I predict the day will come when there is no more material support for Israel and they are no longer blessed by our culture, which is becoming increasingly hostile and antisemitic. I hope this accelerates the return of the Jews to their God given land. I think it will, just as prophesied.

But I have a theory. I believe that the promise of blessing for those who bless Israel will operate at any level: national, organizational, local, personal. So while we cannot determine the direction of our government regarding Israel, we can determine what we, as local churches or even individuals can do in some small way to bless them.

My little home church prays for Israel when we meet: the nation, the land, and the people – that God’s purpose will be accomplished and for the safety and victory of Israel over their enemies. We also pray for the spiritual blindness to be lifted that many Israeli people will come into the saving embrace of the gospel. We also pray for the deliverance of the hostages from the hand of the enemy and for their safe return to their families. I personally pray for Israel each day and I also give financially to ministries I trust in Israel.

My advice: remember God’s promise of blessing to those who bless Israel. So bless Israel in a tangible way. Remember them daily in your prayers. Churches should stand steadfastly and unequivocally for Israel even if it costs you something. Find reputable relief organizations in the nation of Israel to support on a regular, financial basis.

Pray for the Palestinians too. We have Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters who fear for their lives, not from the IDF, but from Hamas. Pray that God will sweep through this people with the wind of the Holy Spirit manifest in dreams and visions that bring them to salvation. Pray for the gospel to go in power throughout their people and an openness in hearts and minds to receive.

Remember, you reap what you sow. Sow the right things so that you reap a harvest of blessing. Sow into the lives of God’s chosen people. I believe that, if you do, in the increasingly inevitable coming days of financial hardship, persecution, and struggle, the protective hand of the God of Israel will cover you.

Remember the curse against those who curse Israel. Whoever rejects Israel, whoever sides with their enemies, they will reap a harvest as well. It may not be what they want. Let us all choose wisely that which we sow. That which is sown in wisdom will be reaped in blessing when the time comes.

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