Visioning a Home Church

Starting a home church is not to say there are not good churches out there. I am sure there are but I can’t find one. I know there are pros and cons but the loss of the local neighborhood church is tragic and even unbiblical and the further down the dark road this country goes, the more urgent it is, in my opinion, for all good churches to think about incorporating home fellowships into their ministry. Best to be ready and prepare people than to be scrambling for cover when the time comes.

If I start a home church, not saying I will just yet, but if I did it would have the following characteristics:

– Commitment to biblical faith. I would not take the label “evangelical” because this term has become more of a political label than a spiritual one. We would be a Bible church not only committed to deep understanding of the Word but teaching and training others to better understand the Word on their own. No biblical illiterates will come out of this church. We will establish biblically defensible positions on secondary doctrines and teach those doctrines accordingly. To avoid confusion and division we will be a church of like minded people, that we could walk in agreement together.

– Plant where we live. This is a commitment to reestablish the New Testament local church model which has been decimated by the large, mega church model. Our commitment would be to serve our immediate neighborhood. Local would be defined as a small home church within walking distance.

– Calling over credentials. The church would be organized and led by people who are called, committed, spirit filled amateurs instead of credentialed professionals.

– Resources will be provided as needed to ensure the practical needs of members are met rather than ongoing expenses for salaries and facility.

– The church will be structured and run as instructed in the Word of God. This will be an equipping church. Members will be trained, mentored, released, and guided to do the heavy lifting of ministry. All members will be encouraged to engage in practical and meaningful ways to serve the Lord and the church as gifted and empowered by the Spirit of God to do so.

– Focus (know, worship, love, obey) on Jesus Christ as the builder of the church. We would honor him by making the first set of teachings about his life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, and the mission he gave us. There is of course a lot more but that would be the starting place. We would continue to honor him in our lives by understanding his expectations of us and executing the mission in accordance with his will.

– Learn to understand and view the culture and world events through a biblical, end-times, prophetic lens.

– Love each other as the Lord loves us. Take care of each other’s needs in every dimension of our lives (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and temporally) as they are brought forward.

– Train members to effectively share the gospel and pray for others. Make sharing the gospel an active and on going ministry.

– Help others discover and use their spiritual gifts for the edification of the church.

– Strive to build the church through evangelism but be ready to accept believers who are of the same mind.

– Keep the church small. Ideally about 6-8 people but not more than 12. At that point there would be a mitosis of the group.

– As home churches multiply, maintain collaboration and accountability. Meet periodically in plenary gatherings to worship, testify, and encourage.

– Maintain moral purity and holiness.

– Maintain situational awareness of the persecuted church in other countries. Pray for them and try to learn from them.

– Love the brothers and sisters in the broader body of Christ in our community.

Just some initial thoughts.

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