Tribute to Tom Horn

Today I wanted to acknowledge with sadness the passing of a mentor who didn’t know he was my mentor. Tom Horn was brought home by the Lord on 20 October after suffering a heart attack. He was in intensive care for about 11 days before he passed. He had so many people praying for him but it was time to go home.

Tom was the founder and chief executive of SkyWatchTV and Defender publishing which have had a profound impact on the church, bringing many important topics to light that had previously been hidden in darkness.

I used to read the Bible not fully understanding the fact that it is truly supernatural and that I needed to approach the text with that as a key part of my hermeneutic. The books published through Defender publishing and the show really have helped open my understanding of the Bible as well as what’s happening in the world today that is largely hidden but having enormous impact in our lives.

SkyWatchTV has always been on the forefront of primary research regarding very edgy but incredibly important topics for Christians today. The Nephilim of Genesis 6, UFOs, transhumanism, the Vatican inner workings and their search for extraterrestrial life, ancient traditions of native Americans that align with the Bible, and many other very interesting and relevant topics for the times in which we live. Their guests were always very helpful and informative on topics I just don’t get in church; topics that should be addressed but about which the church is largely ignorant.

I could never do Justice in trying to articulate the value to the church and even the world of the enormous body of groundbreaking work that Tom leaves behind. I just know the value it has been to me personally. I also know it’s all in very good hands with the on going ministry of SkyWatchTV. I look forward to whatever comes next knowing it won’t be the same without Tom’s vision and leadership but knowing it will be just fine because it’s guided by the Lord.

Tom was quite the fearless researcher and pioneer; a man of God in the right place at the right time in history. For those of you who don’t know of the work of SkyWatchTV, it’s worth checking it out.

To his family, whom I’ve gotten to know a little through the weekly show and through their many books, I mourn with you, but I’m glad for Tom. My sense is that you’ll see him very soon.

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