Will the Asbury Revival Bring Real Change to the Western Church? – Part 1

Is Asbury a genuine move of the Holy Spirit in our time? Most of the coverage in blogs, the MSM, Christian media, YouTube that I’ve seen has been encouraging and hopeful. I’ve blogged a few times myself about this event and for me, its exciting to see mostly young people receiving the love of God, repenting, and seeking Him in worship.

Thousands have made the trip from around the country and even from other countries to see or be part of what is happening there. Maybe there is a hunger for the Lord developing in a culture that has been soaked in confusion and distortion of love and truth. Its certainly refreshing to see this in multiple generations of young people who need to continue the mission of the church in their own day and throughout the world. It began at Asbury College, but it is apparently spreading to other Christian colleges. I hope so. Wouldn’t it be something if there was a wider outpouring that would impact secular colleges and universities?

Some of the professional Christian community wrestle with fine points of terminology (revival, outpouring, renewal). I find that unimportant. What is important is repentant, changed lives submitted to God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out the mission of the church (preaching the gospel and making disciples) in a new generation.

The Need for Change in Western Christianity

One thing to me is clear: western Christianity must change. COVID shook the church to its foundation and not much that was built up over the past 75 to 100 years remained. The COVID pandemic, the forced lockdowns, the constraints placed upon the church was a great opportunity for the church to take a hard, prayerful look at our values and priorities. And yet, unfortunately, in a world that underwent a sea change in culture, politics, and technology, the church was apparently unwilling to adapt. There has only been a push to return to the status quo. This is unfortunate because I believe much larger challenges face the church in the days to come. Is Asbury the beginning of God initiated change in preparation for what is to come? I hope so.

In Part 2, I will give my perspective on the western church as it exists today, keeping in mind this is an opinionated blog. Its just my assessment after having been part of many different churches over 30 Years as a Christian.

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