The Throne of God – Part 2

In the last post, I described the power and authority of God’s throne. The fact that prophecy exists and is fulfilled to the finest detail over all of history is clear evidence of God’s complete sovereignty over his creation. The rapid change we see in the world culture, technology, religion, politics, and social structure today have been spoken of through God’s prophets as recorded in the Bible and are precisely on track towards the culmination of God’s redemption of his people and creation, as well as his final and complete judgements of spiritual entities who oppose him and of all those who choose to follow them.

Many people wonder why God allows evil if he has such authority. I get this question often and it is addressed in the common objections to the Christian faith on this site. In a nutshell, God WILL crush evil once and for all. That day is coming on his own authority and in his own timing according to what he has decreed. But the day is coming when the offer of salvation is withdrawn. So maybe the more important question is for each of us: why do we not accept what God offers freely – to be personally delivered from the sin, darkness, evil in our own lives. So be glad that we live in this time for awhile longer. It is a time when anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved. This is a unique time in history. All of this is by His own authority – by His throne.

Many prophecies describe the judgements of God coming down upon the earth against the wicked and against the ancient evil entities that still occupy and deceive the world today. So the very fact that biblical prophecies exist indicate several things: 1) the clear and absolute authority of God over his creation and over history, 2) God’s love for mankind in giving us insight into exactly what is going to happen as well as clear instruction on how to respond, 3) God’s promises to the wicked and to the dark, evil entities that have sway over the culture and events on the earth today. They and all that follow them will be dealt with soon.

Whether you accept the word of the Lord or not, be advised that:

at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:10-11

Prophecy is the word of the Lord to you, indeed to us all and also the the spiritual forces who oppose God. That which he has spoken by the Throne of the Almighty God in heaven is that which shall be done. As Jesus said:

Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

Matthew 5:17-18

The culture today and the powers that operate behind the scenes reject God and his Word. But they cannot escape that which God has spoken.

What about you?

Who do you follow? Are you swept up and carried away by the mob mentality and reprobate thinking of our culture? Take a step back and think. Ask for God’s help. He is real and He will help you and indeed is the only one who can. Investigate the historic and prophetic accuracy of the Bible. Don’t follow the mob. They are headed straight to the lake of fire. Follow Christ. He will prevail and his kingdom shall have no end.

As it has been decreed from on-high, so shall it be.

Next, a description of the throne that connects all the way back to Genesis.

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