Why can’t I find a church?

I wrote this but wrestled with the notion of actually posting it because it’s kind of personal. But it is my blog and my personal faith journey and maybe someone out there will resonate with some of this. Maybe not. Anyway.,. I’ve been searching for a church for about 18 months. I’ve been unsuccessful. The …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 1 – Biblical Illiteracy

A recent poll said that only 17% of Christians in the US indicated the Bible as the primary influence on their perspectives about the current war in Israel against Hamas (Survey). This was a distant second to the media (44%). Another poll from stateoftheology.com for 2022 indicates that among those who identify as evangelicals, 77% …

Kingdom against kingdom – The Ongoing Supernatural War

NOTE: this is updated and reposted from last October. If you are a believer, you should read this. The scriptures are full of the supernatural. The bible is an historical account of supernatural activity of the unseen realm interacting with the natural, physical realm, manifesting in ways people can perceive. Are these biblical accounts just …

The Asbury Revival and Habakkuk 1

The President of the student body was interviewed recently by Fox News about what’s happening at Asbury College. She said that a scripture being shared among those attending is Habakkuk chapter 1, specifically Hab 1:5. Habakkuk 1:5The Lord’s Surprising Answer“Look at the nations and pay attention!You will be shocked and amazed!For I will do something …

Asbury College

It’s hard to take claims of revivals seriously after the nonsense “revivals” of the past that resulted in more devastation than devotion. Now there are reports of revival at Asbury College in Kentucky, near Frankfort, the state capital. As it happens, I am from Kentucky and I’m here right now about three hours away from …