Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 1 – Biblical Illiteracy

A recent poll said that only 17% of Christians in the US indicated the Bible as the primary influence on their perspectives about the current war in Israel against Hamas (Survey). This was a distant second to the media (44%). Another poll from for 2022 indicates that among those who identify as evangelicals, 77% …

Can a Born Again Christian be Demon Possessed Part 4 – My Answer

Finally, in this post, I will give my answer about this important question about whether or not a born again Christian can be possessed by a demon. This is a long post but I want Christians to understand about this. The New Testament has a significant amount of detail about the unseen realm (to borrow …

Can a Born Again Christian be Demon Possessed Part 3 – More about demons

This is part of a series of posts about the demonic realm, specifically, about demon possession. Its not something discussed in church for various reasons. I suppose its considered dark subject matter and yet the scriptures devote some real estate to this topic. Its not dark if its in the bible. Its light. The Holy …

Was the Father Present at the Birth of His Son?

I was reading in the gospel of Luke, researching in what forms angels appear to men. In the account of the birth of Jesus, I was reading the passage about the announcement of the birth by the angel to shepherds in the fields watching their flocks. Something occurred to me in reading the account that …

Can a Born Again Christian be Demon Possessed Part 2 – What is a Demon?

If you look around at the world today, things are looking bleak. War, human trafficking, people groups set against one another, antisemitism, hatred, death, destruction, depravity; all accelerating in a world that has rejected God and His Word. What happens when a people, a nation turns its back on God? Author and pastor Jonathan Cahn …