I guess I never thought I’d use my blog to comment on geoeconomics but frankly, the rapid movement in this area is, in my estimation, could align with biblical prophecy, which I do cover in my blog. So much in the world is happening fast in many domains: national politics, world politics, economics, financial, and …
Tag: Prophecy
The Men’s Conference “Pole Dance” Follow Up
Well, once again Christian megachuch pastors are falling all over themselves to smooth over ruffled feathers. After Mark Driscoll gave a Holy Spirit driven rebuke of a pagan display from the platform of a large men’s conference, he decided to return and give his planned message. Of course the spineless pastor Lindell is just giddy …
Read the full post →“The Men’s Conference “Pole Dance” Follow Up”
The Revelation 6:15 Bunkers
Then the kings of the earth, the very important people, the generals, the rich, the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who …
Balaam’s Blessing
How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, and your dwelling places, O Israel! Numbers 24:5 There is a very interesting story in the Book of Numbers that goes on for three chapters, Num 22-24. To make a long story short for the sake of the post (not that any of my posts are short), the …
Why can’t I find a church?
I wrote this but wrestled with the notion of actually posting it because it’s kind of personal. But it is my blog and my personal faith journey and maybe someone out there will resonate with some of this. Maybe not. Anyway.,. I’ve been searching for a church for about 18 months. I’ve been unsuccessful. The …