End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 2 – Prophetic Signs of the Coming Storm

The prophetic signs from the synoptic gospels that Jesus calls the “beginning of Birth Pangs”, are listed as follows: But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Matthew 24:8 These are prophetic indicators or signs that portend the late hour of the end times. I am speculating that after Jesus had told …

Will the Asbury Revival Bring Real Change to the Western Church? – Part 1

Is Asbury a genuine move of the Holy Spirit in our time? Most of the coverage in blogs, the MSM, Christian media, YouTube that I’ve seen has been encouraging and hopeful. I’ve blogged a few times myself about this event and for me, its exciting to see mostly young people receiving the love of God, …

The Asbury Revival and Habakkuk 1

The President of the student body was interviewed recently by Fox News about what’s happening at Asbury College. She said that a scripture being shared among those attending is Habakkuk chapter 1, specifically Hab 1:5. Habakkuk 1:5The Lord’s Surprising Answer“Look at the nations and pay attention!You will be shocked and amazed!For I will do something …

The Parable of the Tares and Final Judgement – Part 3, The Cultural Distortion of God’s Love

In Part 2 of this series about judgement, my goal was to explain from the bible why there will be a coming final judgement. I focused on the topic of why God’s love is perfectly consistent, and even demands final judgement of the unrepentant. This post focuses more on the cultural concept of love which …

The Parable of the Tares and Final Judgement – Part 2, God’s Love

The Scriptural Warning of Judgement Part 1 of this series set up an end times backdrop I think is needed to properly understand this parable. For this part, I shall attempt to answer the following question: How is final judgement of the unrepentant consistent with the Love of God? As a reminder, the Parable of …