End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 8 – Troublemakers

The Gospel of Luke is the only gospel that mentions plague as a birth pang sign. This does not conflict with the other two so called “synoptic” gospels. It supplements the other gospels with additional information in the parallel passages. Adding additional detail is common for the gospel of Luke. To get the complete picture, …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 7 – Famine

They cry “we are dying” but who hears them? We in the west have no understanding of famine although many of our own citizens even in America go hungry every day. But in many third world countries, famine is a widespread plague upon the land affecting large numbers of people. From Google Bard: “According to …

The Asbury Revival and Habakkuk 1

The President of the student body was interviewed recently by Fox News about what’s happening at Asbury College. She said that a scripture being shared among those attending is Habakkuk chapter 1, specifically Hab 1:5. Habakkuk 1:5The Lord’s Surprising Answer“Look at the nations and pay attention!You will be shocked and amazed!For I will do something …

The Treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Matthew 13:44 Everything anyone needs to know about the coming Kingdom of God is right there in the scriptures. …

The Woman at the Well – Chance Encounter or Messianic Mission? Part 1 – The Location

A few years ago, I was asked by my home church leader to lead a study on John 4. I’ve read John 4 many times. It’s a short story about an apparent random encounter between the Lord and a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. As I prepared for the bible study, what I found in …