Biblical Prayer – A Critique of the ACTS Model

One of the most popular models for Christian prayer is the ACTS model (A – adoration, C – confession, T – thanksgiving,  and S – supplication). I’ve used it many times myself as it was how I was instructed to pray when I first came to saving faith in Christ. An internet search on “ACTS …

The Lord’s Prayer and the Kingdom of God Part 4 – Deliverance from Evil

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil Matthew 6:13 My last post was about the parable of the soils, specifically, the rocky soil. The “rocky soil” as explained by Jesus is the believer who has a shallow, superficial faith that cannot hold up under challenges of life. The parable lists three …

The Parable of the Soils Part 3 – Rocky Soil

Those on the rocky soil are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no firm root; they believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away. Luke 8:13 The rocks adjacent to my driveway will often have grass and chick weed growing in various places because over …

Kingdom against kingdom Part 2 – The Crossing

Note: this is a re-post of part of the story of Jesus and the disciples as they encountered the demonically possessed man on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The encounter of Jesus with the Gadarene demoniac is one of the most amazing supernatural events in the Bible. What’s interesting about this incident …

Sodom, Gomorrah and the Rapture

There is debate among Christians about an end times event called the rapture, which is the instant removal from the earth of all true believers in Christ when the mission of the church on earth is complete. So what in the world does an account of Sodom and Gomorrah have to do with the rapture …