Will the Western Church Change Part VI – Church Ops and the Supernatural

I am retired Air Force and worked in flight test for many years. Planes that are still in the inventory of the Air Force are constantly undergoing improvements and modernization which must be tested. One of the airplanes we test is the B-2 bomber, a stealth aircraft that can evade enemy radar. So it can …

Will the Western Church Change? – Part 2, The Current State

I introduced the topic of the need for change in the western church in my first post of this series. I began this series with my early observations of what was happening at Asbury. Asbury is a good trigger for this series because I believe real change can only originate from the Lord Himself. Outpourings …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 1 – Watches and Warnings

I finished a series of posts about the Parable of the Tares which is the first end times teaching given by the Lord. Up to this point in the gospels, there have only been allusions to judgement in several teachings such as the sermon on the mount and the Lord’s discussion with Nicodemus. The main …

Asbury College

It’s hard to take claims of revivals seriously after the nonsense “revivals” of the past that resulted in more devastation than devotion. Now there are reports of revival at Asbury College in Kentucky, near Frankfort, the state capital. As it happens, I am from Kentucky and I’m here right now about three hours away from …

The Treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Matthew 13:44 Everything anyone needs to know about the coming Kingdom of God is right there in the scriptures. …