Wars and Rumors of Wars Update

I’ve written several times about the “birth pang” signs given by Messiah in the gospels. Occasionally, I think it necessary to provide an observational update based on world events related to one or more of the signs. Prophetically, so many things are happening so fast I could devote the entire focus of my writing to …

A Lesson in Preparation and Relief

Do you have what you need to see yourselves, your families, your church, your community through a crisis? East Tennessee and western North Carolina are finding out about prep in real time. They are also schooling the rest of our country in what it means for people to step up and take care of each …

Reframing the Right to Life Polemic

The current debate about the right of an innocent baby human being to be born and to live a life has been framed for many years in the context of the right of a woman to choose, “reproductive rights”, and “my body my choice”. The fundamental question is never the debate. The fundamental question never …

Why Didn’t God Intervene?

Davy & Natalie were missionaries called to go to Haiti, fully knowing the risks. Haiti is a terrible country dedicated to the evil one many years ago. It’s a nation of dark magic in voodoo, violence, and death. That is the history of Haiti but Davy & Natalie decided to go nonetheless. They were recently …

Does BRICS Have Prophetic Overtones?

I guess I never thought I’d use my blog to comment on geoeconomics but frankly, the rapid movement in this area is, in my estimation, could align with biblical prophecy, which I do cover in my blog. So much in the world is happening fast in many domains: national politics, world politics, economics, financial, and …

Pray for the SBC Convention

The SBC convention is 9-12 June. We should pray for them as they grapple with cultural influences that run contrary to the Word of God. Let’s pray for an uncompromising return to the inerrant teachings of the Bible by all Baptist churches regardless of what the cost may be to them. It’s time for the …

Preparing for Coming Economic Challenges

There is so much going on in the economy right now that is just not reported. So many indicators are bad. What are some of the disturbing signals? Some independent analysts such as Quill Intelligence say the data indicates we are already in recession. What does this mean for the church? I’m sure there are …

Living the Dream

In the days of those kings the God of heaven will raise up an everlasting kingdom that will not be destroyed and a kingdom that will not be left to another people. It will break in pieces and bring about the demise of all these kingdoms. But it will stand forever. Daniel 2:44 The book …

“Christian” Men’s Conference Evil Opening

There is a story on CBN about pastor Mark Driscoll calling out the opening event at the Stronger Men’s Conference. The event opened with an evil display featuring a male stripper ripping off his shirt and doing a short pole dance. Disgusting! Now if anybody thinks the Lord is present at such an event after …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 1 – Biblical Illiteracy

A recent poll said that only 17% of Christians in the US indicated the Bible as the primary influence on their perspectives about the current war in Israel against Hamas (Survey). This was a distant second to the media (44%). Another poll from stateoftheology.com for 2022 indicates that among those who identify as evangelicals, 77% …