End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 4 – War

When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. Mark 13:7 War and the rumors or reports of war are terrifying particularly for people caught up in it like Ukraine, but also for us all. War has been pervasive …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 3 – The Deception of Many

When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times? Matthew 16:2-3 The …

Will the Western Church Change Part VI – Church Ops and the Supernatural

I am retired Air Force and worked in flight test for many years. Planes that are still in the inventory of the Air Force are constantly undergoing improvements and modernization which must be tested. One of the airplanes we test is the B-2 bomber, a stealth aircraft that can evade enemy radar. So it can …

Will the Western Church Change Part V – Church Operations and Leadership

I proposed biblical reform of the church in the last post – reform in accordance with the original model depicted in the New Testament, particularly in the Book of Acts. The primary reason I am proposing reform is for the church to put its full attention back on the mission of the gospel. Most of …

Will the Western Church Change Part IV – Biblical Reform

My last post defined the model I believe the church should return to in these last days. I advocated a return to the church model defined clearly in the New Testament because, regarding mission results, it worked. It seems logical that the model documented in the Word of God is there for a reason – …

Will the Western Church Change? – Part 2, The Current State

I introduced the topic of the need for change in the western church in my first post of this series. I began this series with my early observations of what was happening at Asbury. Asbury is a good trigger for this series because I believe real change can only originate from the Lord Himself. Outpourings …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 2 – Prophetic Signs of the Coming Storm

The prophetic signs from the synoptic gospels that Jesus calls the “beginning of Birth Pangs”, are listed as follows: But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Matthew 24:8 These are prophetic indicators or signs that portend the late hour of the end times. I am speculating that after Jesus had told …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 1 – Watches and Warnings

I finished a series of posts about the Parable of the Tares which is the first end times teaching given by the Lord. Up to this point in the gospels, there have only been allusions to judgement in several teachings such as the sermon on the mount and the Lord’s discussion with Nicodemus. The main …

Will the Asbury Revival Bring Real Change to the Western Church? – Part 1

Is Asbury a genuine move of the Holy Spirit in our time? Most of the coverage in blogs, the MSM, Christian media, YouTube that I’ve seen has been encouraging and hopeful. I’ve blogged a few times myself about this event and for me, its exciting to see mostly young people receiving the love of God, …

The Asbury Revival and Habakkuk 1

The President of the student body was interviewed recently by Fox News about what’s happening at Asbury College. She said that a scripture being shared among those attending is Habakkuk chapter 1, specifically Hab 1:5. Habakkuk 1:5The Lord’s Surprising Answer“Look at the nations and pay attention!You will be shocked and amazed!For I will do something …