Will the Western Church Change Part V – Church Operations and Leadership

I proposed biblical reform of the church in the last post – reform in accordance with the original model depicted in the New Testament, particularly in the Book of Acts. The primary reason I am proposing reform is for the church to put its full attention back on the mission of the gospel. Most of …

Will the Asbury Revival Bring Real Change to the Western Church? – Part 1

Is Asbury a genuine move of the Holy Spirit in our time? Most of the coverage in blogs, the MSM, Christian media, YouTube that I’ve seen has been encouraging and hopeful. I’ve blogged a few times myself about this event and for me, its exciting to see mostly young people receiving the love of God, …

The Asbury Revival and Habakkuk 1

The President of the student body was interviewed recently by Fox News about what’s happening at Asbury College. She said that a scripture being shared among those attending is Habakkuk chapter 1, specifically Hab 1:5. Habakkuk 1:5The Lord’s Surprising Answer“Look at the nations and pay attention!You will be shocked and amazed!For I will do something …

Asbury College

It’s hard to take claims of revivals seriously after the nonsense “revivals” of the past that resulted in more devastation than devotion. Now there are reports of revival at Asbury College in Kentucky, near Frankfort, the state capital. As it happens, I am from Kentucky and I’m here right now about three hours away from …

The Parable of the Tares and Final Judgement – Part 3, The Cultural Distortion of God’s Love

In Part 2 of this series about judgement, my goal was to explain from the bible why there will be a coming final judgement. I focused on the topic of why God’s love is perfectly consistent, and even demands final judgement of the unrepentant. This post focuses more on the cultural concept of love which …

The Parable of the Tares and Final Judgement – Part 2, God’s Love

The Scriptural Warning of Judgement Part 1 of this series set up an end times backdrop I think is needed to properly understand this parable. For this part, I shall attempt to answer the following question: How is final judgement of the unrepentant consistent with the Love of God? As a reminder, the Parable of …

The Parable of the Tares and the Final Judgement – Part 1, Background and End Times Context

Some Background The Parable of the Tares is about final judgement of the wicked. Final judgement of the unrepentant, otherwise known in scripture as the wicked, is a terrible and permanent reality. I thought it was time to describe what the bible says about the final judgement, particularly since I have come to the Parable …

The Secret of Understanding it All

There is a secret hidden in God’s Word, a secret that is the key to fruitfulness in the life of a believer. I believe it is also the secret to understanding God’s word – all of it. The parable of the sower also speaks of the type of soil required for fruitfulness as well as …

The Parable of the Soils Part 4 – Thorny Soil

Every farmer knows that harvest is reduced by weeds which compete with the crop for sunlight, nutrition, and water. If there is no intervention, weeds can reduce yield by about 28% according to a brief internet search. Soil is well prepared by farmers for planting: its well tilled, fertilized, and has the right amount of …

The Lord’s Prayer and the Kingdom of God Part 4 – Deliverance from Evil

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil Matthew 6:13 My last post was about the parable of the soils, specifically, the rocky soil. The “rocky soil” as explained by Jesus is the believer who has a shallow, superficial faith that cannot hold up under challenges of life. The parable lists three …