Inflammatory Remarks Indicate Poor Leadership

Ok, a short rant. In the last few days, there has been a standoff developing between Texas and the federal government. It’s tense and serious as Texas has refused to remove razor wire from its border with Mexico as ordered by SCOTUS. We should not underestimate the gravity of the situation but we should also …

The Hunger for Something Different

Started forward with home church, four people, two couples. We held the first meeting at my house. I think I underestimated the amount of work to prepare. It wasn’t unlike a small home Bible study we hosted years ago in our home. Worship What are we going to do for worship? I used to lead …

The Future of the Western Church

I have written about home churches before because I think it is the future of the faithful church, given what I consider a failure of the current model developed over the last 75-100 years. The Apostasy Now regarding the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to be with him, we ask …

Visioning a Home Church

Starting a home church is not to say there are not good churches out there. I am sure there are but I can’t find one. I know there are pros and cons but the loss of the local neighborhood church is tragic and even unbiblical and the further down the dark road this country goes, …

Why can’t I find a church?

I wrote this but wrestled with the notion of actually posting it because it’s kind of personal. But it is my blog and my personal faith journey and maybe someone out there will resonate with some of this. Maybe not. Anyway.,. I’ve been searching for a church for about 18 months. I’ve been unsuccessful. The …