From Amir Tsarfati Telegram post: “Okay, so last week there was an assassination attempt on Trump, the assassination of Muhammad Deif, a war in Gaza, a war in the north, a drone from Yemen, the Air Force bombing Yemen, a global server crash and Biden dropping out.” There are 14 birth pang signs in the …
Historic Dallas Church Building Gone
Well, churches around the world continue to go up in flames. Today, an historic Baptist church, since 1890, in Dallas, is no more. The pastor, on the verge of tears, remarked how the building is not the church. Amen. I hope pastors are preparing their people emotionally and spiritually for these prophetic days. They are …
Expository or Topical Teaching?
I’ve been to churches that are almost dogmatic about expository teaching. Usually such churches are not a fan of topical teaching because, according to the logic, teaching on various topics in the Bible avoids dealing with other passages of scripture that would not be encountered in a more systematic expository approach. Usually, the promise is …
You know it’s time for the true church to prepare to go underground when…
1. Traditional churches feel compelled to hire security training to prepare for attacks on their people and facilities. 2. There is red flag after red flag that the economy is about to collapse. 3. The enemies of Israel warn us directly that they are coming for the “Sunday people”. 4. The three letter agencies warn …
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Why Didn’t God Intervene?
Davy & Natalie were missionaries called to go to Haiti, fully knowing the risks. Haiti is a terrible country dedicated to the evil one many years ago. It’s a nation of dark magic in voodoo, violence, and death. That is the history of Haiti but Davy & Natalie decided to go nonetheless. They were recently …