But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Matthew 24:8 I just finished a series on what Jesus refers to in the Olivet Discourse as “the beginning of birth pangs”. I summarized them across the synoptic gospels in the last post which is helpful to see the contributions of each to the …
The Olivet Discourse – A Comparison of The Birth Pangs Signs Across the Gospels
The Olivet Discourse is carried in the synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The go-to for this detailed prophecy of the end-times by Jesus is usually the Gospel of Matthew, I suppose since it is the most detailed. In my observations, the Gospel of Luke often has additional detail not found in the other two. …
The Sixth Angel Part 2 – The Ride of the 200 Million
In my first post on this passage of scripture (Rev 9), I gave some practical reasons why the 200 million soldiers in Rev 9:16 are not likely a human army. I then did a post about applying a supernatural hermeneutic to Revelation 9 specifically and to the bible in general. Without a supernatural component to …
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An Argument for a Return to the Supernatural Interpretation of the Bible
In my study of the bible, I have come to respect certain teachers of biblical prophecy. I have learned so much from people like Dr Chuck Missler, LA Marzulli, Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Dr Michael Heiser, Gary Stearman and Prophecy Watchers, Tom Horn and Skywatch TV, and many others who have brought back a supernatural …
Read the full post →“An Argument for a Return to the Supernatural Interpretation of the Bible”
The Sixth Angel Part 1 – 200 Million Human Soldiers?
Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a single voice coming from the horns on the golden altar that is before God, saying to the sixth angel, the one holding the trumpet, “Set free the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates!” Then the four angels who had been …
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