The Sixth Angel Part 1 – 200 Million Human Soldiers?

Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a single voice coming from the horns on the golden altar that is before God, saying to the sixth angel, the one holding the trumpet, “Set free the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates!” Then the four angels who had been …

The Gospel Part 7 – Repentance

The last post was about saving faith. I discussed two different kinds of “faith” people may assume are saving faith but cannot save.  Just knowing the facts (head knowledge) is not enough and temporal faith (faith in God for the needs of this life) is not enough. The only kind of faith that leads to …

Saving Faith

I have discussed the gospel in some detail in the previous posts. I felt the detail was important because of the declining state of the culture that has suppressed the truth of the scriptures, most particularly, the gospel, which is the central message of the bible. I have discussed the what, the who and the …

The Gospel Part 6 – Who is Jesus Christ?

In the last post, I provided basic biblical doctrine about God. To summarize: This post is the most important in the gospel series on this site. It is about the person of Jesus Christ and how through him alone, God offers salvation – eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The offer of eternal life …

The Gospel Part 5 – The God of the Bible

I completed a lengthy discussion about sin in context of the basic Christian message of the gospel which tells us how to receive the gift of eternal life. Sin is what keeps us from heaven because sin is breaking God’s Law. Saying it another way, we all have a legal problem before God because we …