Testimony of Healing

30 years ago, my wife was supernaturally healed. The Lord has had us keep this testimony private until the time was right. That day has arrived. The Disease I was saved in December, 1992 when a coworker shared the gospel with me on a business trip. At the time, I was a captain in the …

Tonite 6pm Prayer for our Republic

This is likely the most important week in our country since its founding. I am not talking about politics. I am talking about the moral and spiritual choices in front of us right now. Do we continue supporting the shedding of innocent blood and the pursuit of wickedness? Or do we return to righteousness and …

Reframing the Right to Life Polemic

The current debate about the right of an innocent baby human being to be born and to live a life has been framed for many years in the context of the right of a woman to choose, “reproductive rights”, and “my body my choice”. The fundamental question is never the debate. The fundamental question never …

You know it’s time for the true church to prepare to go underground when…

1. Traditional churches feel compelled to hire security training to prepare for attacks on their people and facilities. 2. There is red flag after red flag that the economy is about to collapse. 3. The enemies of Israel warn us directly that they are coming for the “Sunday people”. 4. The three letter agencies warn …

Why Didn’t God Intervene?

Davy & Natalie were missionaries called to go to Haiti, fully knowing the risks. Haiti is a terrible country dedicated to the evil one many years ago. It’s a nation of dark magic in voodoo, violence, and death. That is the history of Haiti but Davy & Natalie decided to go nonetheless. They were recently …