Kingdom against kingdom – The Ongoing Supernatural War

NOTE: this is updated and reposted from last October. If you are a believer, you should read this. The scriptures are full of the supernatural. The bible is an historical account of supernatural activity of the unseen realm interacting with the natural, physical realm, manifesting in ways people can perceive. Are these biblical accounts just …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 9 – Earthquakes

“The first mainshock was slightly stronger than the second with an estimated difference of 0.11. This corresponds to one of the largest tremors in over 2,000 years of Turkish history.” ( article) I’ve looked at earthquake raw data myself. Data is easily manipulated by people who do not understand proper statistical data analysis and hypothesis …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 7 – Famine

They cry “we are dying” but who hears them? We in the west have no understanding of famine although many of our own citizens even in America go hungry every day. But in many third world countries, famine is a widespread plague upon the land affecting large numbers of people. From Google Bard: “According to …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 6 – Kingdom Against kingdom

The last few posts in this series have been about signs manifested in the visible realm of our culture. I’ve suggested that these manifestations are driven by forces in the unseen realm. There are multiple layers at work in the unbelieving culture today: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the …

End Time Prophecy in the Gospels Part 5 – Ethnic Uprisings

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Matthew 24:7 What do we observe in the world today? That is the purpose of this series of posts – to observe what is happening around us to see if prophetic signs are present. If they are, then we should be all the more motivated …