I am growing increasingly concerned about the repeated comments on the Telegram channel of Amir Tsarfati from him regarding who is saved and who is not saved. Amir believes and forcefully pushes a narrative that anyone who does not love Israel is not saved. Note the following comments: The spirit of the God of Israel …
Category: Deception
Wars and Rumors of Wars Update
I’ve written several times about the “birth pang” signs given by Messiah in the gospels. Occasionally, I think it necessary to provide an observational update based on world events related to one or more of the signs. Prophetically, so many things are happening so fast I could devote the entire focus of my writing to …
Contemplative Prayer and Hallow
I post to you today from the country of Belize where I’ve come sharing the gospel. People here seem so open to the message of salvation in Christ. I wish I could stay longer. On to today’s topic… It seems every time I open YouTube, I get Jonathan Roumie’s face telling me to stop what …