“Christian” Men’s Conference Evil Opening

There is a story on CBN about pastor Mark Driscoll calling out the opening event at the Stronger Men’s Conference. The event opened with an evil display featuring a male stripper ripping off his shirt and doing a short pole dance. Disgusting! Now if anybody thinks the Lord is present at such an event after …

Home Church Update

I have started a home church. Been going for 6 weeks now with one other dechurched couple. I’ve become the de-facto teacher since others don’t have the time to do the preparation. But so far so good. Finding I have some things to learn about communicating the Word effectively to others. It’s one thing to …

Balaam’s Blessing

How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, and your dwelling places, O Israel! Numbers 24:5 There is a very interesting story in the Book of Numbers that goes on for three chapters, Num 22-24. To make a long story short for the sake of the post (not that any of my posts are short), the …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 3 – 12 Simple Rules

The last post gave my 7 overarching principles to help frame personal biblical study and interpretation. In this post, I’d like to recommend several rules to help you extract intended meaning from the text. All this means is letting the Bible text speak for itself. The simple rules provided here are the mechanics of that …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 2 – 7 Principles to Guide Your Study

I have a lot of Bibles! If you are a Christian I bet you do too. I have a box of pocket bibles for handing out to people. I have two massive study bibles. I have a cheap Bible I bought for $12.95 when I first got saved and I know there are several more …

The Future of the Western Church

I have written about home churches before because I think it is the future of the faithful church, given what I consider a failure of the current model developed over the last 75-100 years. The Apostasy Now regarding the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to be with him, we ask …

Visioning a Home Church

Starting a home church is not to say there are not good churches out there. I am sure there are but I can’t find one. I know there are pros and cons but the loss of the local neighborhood church is tragic and even unbiblical and the further down the dark road this country goes, …

Personal Interpretation of the Bible Part 1 – Biblical Illiteracy

A recent poll said that only 17% of Christians in the US indicated the Bible as the primary influence on their perspectives about the current war in Israel against Hamas (Survey). This was a distant second to the media (44%). Another poll from stateoftheology.com for 2022 indicates that among those who identify as evangelicals, 77% …

Can a Born Again Christian be Demon Possessed Part 3 – More about demons

This is part of a series of posts about the demonic realm, specifically, about demon possession. Its not something discussed in church for various reasons. I suppose its considered dark subject matter and yet the scriptures devote some real estate to this topic. Its not dark if its in the bible. Its light. The Holy …

God of Israel, You Are With Your People

I copy here the account of an IDF soldier. Miracles are happening in the midst of the war. NOTE: I copied this from the Telegram feed of Behold Israel which has over 450,000 followers. I could share the link but I know not everyone has the Telegram app. The only thing I changed was the …