Birth Pang Signs Revisited – Part 2

Events in the world are happening so fast, it’s hard to keep up. Almost like horses galloping through the earth bringing prophetic change that wipes out freedom and brings global tyranny through war, suppression of the truth, famine, pestilence, and death. The world was even introduced to the apocalyptic imagery of the riders of Revelation …

Historic Dallas Church Building Gone

Well, churches around the world continue to go up in flames. Today, an historic Baptist church, since 1890, in Dallas, is no more. The pastor, on the verge of tears, remarked how the building is not the church. Amen. I hope pastors are preparing their people emotionally and spiritually for these prophetic days. They are …

Expository or Topical Teaching?

I’ve been to churches that are almost dogmatic about expository teaching. Usually such churches are not a fan of topical teaching because, according to the logic, teaching on various topics in the Bible avoids dealing with other passages of scripture that would not be encountered in a more systematic expository approach. Usually, the promise is …

Critiques of Hank Giesecke Article

I ran across a great article by Hank Giesecke at the following location: Harbingers Article. The article was good at reviewing the history of our nation and the current pathetic status of our culture and the silence of the church on the great moral and spiritual issues of our day. However, his recommendations to “have …

The Men’s Conference “Pole Dance” Follow Up

Well, once again Christian megachuch pastors are falling all over themselves to smooth over ruffled feathers. After Mark Driscoll gave a Holy Spirit driven rebuke of a pagan display from the platform of a large men’s conference, he decided to return and give his planned message. Of course the spineless pastor Lindell is just giddy …