The Parable of the Soils Part 3 – Rocky Soil

Those on the rocky soil are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no firm root; they believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away. Luke 8:13 The rocks adjacent to my driveway will often have grass and chick weed growing in various places because over …

The Parable of the Soils Part 2 – The Seed on the Path

Who Do You Seek? As I said in the last post, not many people came to Jesus to seek the meaning of the parable of the soils. To the crowds, Jesus probably sounded like a farmer, not understanding there was profound spiritual meaning behind an agricultural parable. But apparently, 15 people – disciples – came …

Kingdom against kingdom Part 4 – Final Observations

This is the final post about the Gadarene incident. My purpose here is to summarize some key points that I would recommend all believers internalize. Why? Because there is a resurgence of paganism throughout the world along with a suppression of the Word of God – just as prophesied thousands of years ago. The first …

Kingdom against kingdom Part 3 – The Confrontation

This is the third part of a series on what I call the Gadarene incident – the well known account in the gospels of the deliverance of a man from many demons by Jesus Christ. In this post, I focus on the deliverance itself, but there are some bigger picture things happening in this encounter. …

Kingdom against kingdom Part 2 – The Crossing

Note: this is a re-post of part of the story of Jesus and the disciples as they encountered the demonically possessed man on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The encounter of Jesus with the Gadarene demoniac is one of the most amazing supernatural events in the Bible. What’s interesting about this incident …