One of the big prophetic questions is: where is the USA in end times prophecy? Of course the end times is all about Israel, not the USA. There will be a time when the USA abandons Israel. The whole world will. What happens to nations that despise Israel? Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go …
Author: nail04
Things May Not be as They Seem
In the midst of jubilation by many people over the election results and the fact that Donald Trump is now President of the United States, some interesting initiatives are emerging. On the first full day of his administration, President Trump announced a massive Artificial Intelligence infrastructure development program called “Stargate” already in progress. Very interesting …
Amir Tsarfati – Another Gospel?
I am growing increasingly concerned about the repeated comments on the Telegram channel of Amir Tsarfati from him regarding who is saved and who is not saved. Amir believes and forcefully pushes a narrative that anyone who does not love Israel is not saved. Note the following comments: The spirit of the God of Israel …
Testimony of Healing
30 years ago, my wife was supernaturally healed. The Lord has had us keep this testimony private until the time was right. That day has arrived. The Disease I was saved in December, 1992 when a coworker shared the gospel with me on a business trip. At the time, I was a captain in the …
God Speaks
I’d like to end 2024 with a final post about my home church. I wanted to thank the Lord for the opportunity to lead it. We are a home church with a small beginning of only 2 couples that found ourselves in the same mindset about Western Christianity and the desire to return to the …