What’s Going on in the PRC?

I’m going to give some top level news, an observation, and then speculate on the PRC and how it may or may not fit into end times. It is speculation, just some ideas that came to mind given current events I’ve been following.

So recently in the PRC, some interesting stuff:

  • Massive ongoing floods in the central and southern provinces. I mean like Noah’s Ark kind of flooding (ok, a little hyperbole). Their attempts at controlling the river systems have failed, as have some of their dams. The reservoir behind the 3 gorges dam is so large it has its own climate, magnifying the rain in surrounding mountains and exacerbating floods. There has been so much flooding that there is actually some concern this dam might fail. That would be catastrophic to say the least. I personally don’t think it will, but there have been massive water releases from the dam that have inundated downstream villages multiple times with almost no warning. Massive floods, massive headaches for the CCP, total mismanagement of the flood control system, and very upset people.
  • Bank failures. The PRC has 4 national banks and they face the same commercial real estate and economic crisis as we are also facing. It’s just beginning in this country. You need to find out what’s going on in this country. Our economy is smoke and mirrors.
  • Economic failure. Rampant corruption and the imminent collapse of real estate and banks is having real impact on many people. Employees are often not getting paid. There are large pay cuts and even demands by some employers to give back part of pay already earned. Young people graduating college cannot find work and are in debt. They have recently started a movement that even the CCP can’t counter called “ban lai” which means “let it rot” – the system that is. It’s gotten to be such an issue that it is pressuring the CCP who have no answers. This has led to…
  • Increased criticism of the premier, the top guy. Reports are the PLA has lost confidence in top CCP leaders. This just does not happen in the PRC. But the population is losing hope.

There are many other things going on as well that I won’t mention here but the PRC could collapse.

That said, nobody has seen the premier, the top guy for a few weeks now. Where is he? Lots of rumors going around. But here is someone that recently seemed invincible and having total control, now not even present on the world scene. Curious. Maybe he is just taking a vacation and will show up tomorrow. But is something bigger going on in the PRC? So now let me speculate as to why all these things are happening at once.

The CCP has really ramped up the persecution of God’s people in recent years. What has the CCP done with the Word of God lately? They have been working on their own CCP approved version to fit the system. Altering His Word and persecuting His people. Those two things invite the anger of the Lord.

So here is the speculation: judgement. God installs leaders and he removes them. He blesses nations and judges them. Perhaps the CCP has gone too far. I don’t know. Only time will tell but the PRC is crumbling.

So here is a little speculation relative to end times biblical prophecy: the PRC is not mentioned in Bible prophecy at all. It’s interesting to hear the debate about where the USA is in Bible prophecy but the scripture is not specific and perhaps even silent. I believe the same is true about the PRC even more.

Some teachers believe that the PLA is the so called 200,000,000 man army of Revelation 9. Nope. The 200M entities are supernatural beings released upon the earth. Nothing to do with a human army. I’ve done a detailed analysis of this issue in previous posts showing why these “things” are not human and certainly not the PLA. Go take a look.

That said, the USA does not seem to be involved in events during Daniel’s 70th week. But the same is true of the PRC. And I have never heard that discussed before.

The PRC seems to be taking over the world. But the thing is, this does not align with biblical prophecy in my opinion. It is the kingdom of Antichrist that will arise and I do not believe this has anything to do with the PRC. Are we seeing a massive turn of world events with regard to the PRC as we approach Daniel’s 70th week? We’ll see.

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