Does BRICS Have Prophetic Overtones?

I guess I never thought I’d use my blog to comment on geoeconomics but frankly, the rapid movement in this area is, in my estimation, could align with biblical prophecy, which I do cover in my blog.

So much in the world is happening fast in many domains: national politics, world politics, economics, financial, and religiously. It’s hard to keep up. Jesus’s metaphor of birth pangs as a characterization of the (end) times in which we live has come into focus with the convergence, speed, and intensity of developments. All of this is aligning with biblical prophecy.

BRICS, once a conglomerate of just a few nations, now has 59 nations signed up, with more interest from other nations. The weakness and unreliability of the US as an ally shown over the past few years, particularly with Israel and Afghanistan has been a golden opportunity for BRICS led by China and Russia to step in and sweep in many of our former partner nations.

Developing nations, particularly in Africa are quickly rejecting the US, kicking us out of their countries, and opening the door wide for BRICS. Why should we care? Many of these countries are highly strategic locations for establishing a military presence, trade, access to minerals, and influence. In return, the countries require financial investment and security.

BRICS focuses on providing the investment, development, and security instead of the insane priorities of the west in advancing the agenda of climate change, sexual depravity, and slaughter of not yet born citizens. Most countries in BRICS don’t care about these corrupt social priorities.

Given the recent track record of the progressive administrations in Europe and the US, most of the world no longer trust the west. The US government continues to weaponize the dollar and seize (steal) the assets of other nations as punishment for not going along with western policies. At the same time, the wicked regimes of Iran and their proxies are incentivized.

This has led to the emergence of BRICS, an alternative alliance led by Russia and China. These countries consider the US as their enemy after the last 3 years of the current administration.

BRICS cares nothing about climate change except that it has been effective in weakening the west. For example, China buys up as much coal and oil as they can get their hands on while the US drains the strategic oil reserve and shuts down coal and gas fired power plants in favor of so called renewable energy. Ask Europe how that is going for them. When we start having rolling blackouts because of the lack of energy, China will be chugging along just fine with their efficient coal fired plants. China is totally on board with the west pursuing the goals of climate change because it weakens us. And don’t get me started about the pathetic state of the once formidable US military…

At the top of the BRICS agenda is economic integration within their community of nations under a financial architecture that relies on their own currencies (likely to become one crypto currency in the future), and abandons the US dollar as the currency of international trade, particularly for oil. This is happening as you read this and implications for the US economy will be profound. Soon. If you think inflation is bad now…

The strength of the dollar, despite our massive debt and the monetizing of that debt through US treasury bonds, has been maintained by the fact that the dollar is the international currency and has been since the end of WWII. Those days are almost over. In fact, the agreement the US had with Saudi Arabia to do oil transactions in dollars only, expired on 9 June 2024.

Saudi Arabia did not renew the agreement with the US and now conducts oil transactions in other currencies. For example, they already accept rupees from India. Add to that the emergence of BRICS and the fact that China and Russia have been dumping US securities and buying up gold in massive quantities for years, our massive national debt, massive personal debt, high interest rates and inflation, and we have the perfect storm for economic disaster in this country.

People in this country get lies from the media about the state of our economy and the significant risks we face in the next 6-12 months (see my last post). There are two reasons why I report this: 1) I believe the church is oblivious to the economic realities which WILL affect congregations and their assets, and 2) I believe it’s prophetically significant.

As it turns out, the futurist prophecy teachers predicting the coming fulfillment of biblical prophecy as documented in Revelation and Daniel have it right. These interpretations accurately explain the way the world is today and what’s coming. The preterist, amillennial interpretations cannot explain the trajectory of current events, so these congregations remain ignorant about what’s happening and why. They will not be prepared.

Global government with a cashless, CBDC driven centralized economy is coming, just as predicted for decades. The 4 riders of Revelation chapter 6 are saddling up. Are you ready? Are churches preparing their people for what is coming? Sadly, I don’t think so.

I have been warning the church in this blog for the last year or so. (Not that my stuff gets much exposure). I’ve written extensively on this topic including specific steps needed immediately to prepare. But churches just continue turning the Sunday morning crank as if nothing will ever change. Wrong. Everything HAS changed already and continues changing as we speak. Wake up. Rise and shine.

Status quo western Christianity and its enormous appetite for money and things is coming to an end. People are running out of money. What’s going to happen to the resource intensive church model? It’s not that hard to figure it out with a little prayer, foresight, some research, a willingness to accept the truth and apply a little critical thinking. But the church remains in denial so none of these things are a priority.

The good news is, for those who prepare, this may be an unprecedented opportunity for the gospel. But things are going to get a little challenging and we are going to have to prepare. What steps are you going to take? Here is a suggestion: put it at the top of the agenda for your next leadership meeting. Get some things in motion.

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