China in Prophecy

One of the big prophetic questions is: where is the USA in end times prophecy? Of course the end times is all about Israel, not the USA. There will be a time when the USA abandons Israel. The whole world will. What happens to nations that despise Israel?

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Gen 12:1-3

Maybe that’s an answer as to why the USA does not appear to be a factor as we approach the final days. Nations will turn their back on Israel as they turn their back on God.

Perhaps there is a narrow window for our nation to be blessed by God once again if only our nation would bless Israel. We now have an administration that will stand with Israel and I believe God will bless us to the extent we continue to bless Israel because that’s what He said He’d do.

But what about China?

Prophecy teachers seem ignorant about China. Some teachers believe the 200 million army of Revelation 9 is a Chinese army. There are a plethora of reasons why this is not correct, which I have covered in detail in past posts. Some prophecy teachers think Revelation 16 is also about the Chinese army but it’s not. Also there is no connection between Revelation 9 and 16, in my opinion. So where is China in end Times prophecy. In my opinion, nowhere. They do not play a visible role in end times prophecy. Certain nations in Ezekiel 38 come to the forefront in biblical prophecy but China and the USA appear to be off the chess board at that point.

So what happens? It’s difficult to say. Does China bless Israel? No. They side with the enemies of Israel. How then could China be blessed of God and arise as this great power that dominates the world? Look at the actions of China towards Christian people. Chinese Christians are heavily persecuted.

In recent years, the government has aggressively tried to ensure all religious expression is brought into line with official Chinese Communist philosophy. Any church or church leader stepping beyond that can come under heavy restrictions. Unregistered churches, even those once tolerated, are considered illegal and increasingly put under pressure, as authorities seek to enforce regulations and tighten policies. 

Open Doors article

What is the CCP doing to the Word of God? They are revising it to fit the requirements of the state.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government is rewriting portions of the Bible in an effort to increase its control over religion… Article

The hand of blessing is not on China. If people, including prophecy teachers really understood what was happening in China right now they might better understand the likelihood that China may not be the big world force everyone thinks they are.

  • They are failing in many African countries because they are exploiting the people and ripping them off of their national resources. People in African countries are turning against the Chinese.
  • Massive flooding has occurred throughout the southern half of China.
  • Earthquakes have occurred which have threatened several dams. If the dams fail, it will be a disaster of biblical proportions, possibly a threat to breaching the Three Gorges Dam.
  • The Chinese banking system is on the verge of collapse.
  • China’s military technology is not all that it’s cracked up to be. For example their aircraft engines are unreliable.
  • Western companies are abandoning China in droves leaving Chinese workers without employment and in financial ruin.
  • The economic problems have caused increasing frustration with the CCP and unrest in the population.
  • Their technology is not as good as people think. They are almost 20 years behind in computer chip manufacturing technology.
  • The Chinese premier is not very popular right now with either the people and reportedly with the military.
  • China is dealing with a growing outbreak of respiratory viruses.

For those who think Chinese military action against Taiwan is imminent, in my opinion it is not. China has its hands full with the internal matters listed above. They don’t have the money to fund such a war. They also understand the Taiwanese will be no pushover and are ready to defend their country. Their military capability is often not even discussed but is significant. The CCP, despite their intimidation and saber rattling, will likely not commit to military action at this time, if ever.

China is in decline. The anti God CCP is near collapse. All that is happening in China reflects the anger of the Lord because they persecute God’s people and change His Word. In my estimation, China will fade into insignificance as world events pivot prophetically towards the nation of Israel.

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3 thoughts on “China in Prophecy

  1. I’d say read Romans 9-11 concerning Israel’s past, present and future. Also read what God promised in Jeremiah 33:17-26 about God’s covenant with David. Here is what William McDonald says:

    33:17-26 God’s promise concerning the perpetuation of the Davidic dynasty and the Levitical priesthood would be as unbreakable as God’s covenant of day and night. Some of the people were accusing God of forsaking His two houses—Israel and Judah, and were thus despising the Jews as being cast-offs, a non-people. The Lord replies that His covenant with His people is as fixed as the laws of nature. The descendants of David would be as innumerable as the host of heaven and the sand of the sea.

    As far as I understand the covenants, the New Covenant in Hebrews has two parts (See Warren Wiersbe),
    that the church is enjoying the promises now and when Christ returns Israel’s promises will be fulfilled.

    This is the difference between theologies, I suppose, the ah-millennial and the dispensational pretribulational variations. Excuse me, but I’m just thinking off the top of my head here.

    Larry Cockerham (Owner / Admin of Prophecy Forum)

  2. “In the past, I have taught, “The United States has been blessed because it has been helping the nation of Israel.” What was my rationale for this belief? God’s own words when He said, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” (Gen. 12:3). However, the Zionist, unbelieving, Christ-rejecting modern nation of Israel is not the “thee” referred to in the Book of Genesis. As a nation, it does not honor the Son; so—according to the Bible—they are anti-Christ and anti-God (John 15:23; I John 2:22)…

    For those who believe Israel becoming a nation in 1948 was the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, I have a few questions. What kind of nation would God have re-established? A nation filled with those who hate Christ and thus reject Him? A nation that does not share the same faith as Abraham? Are we to believe God established a covenant with those who are not even the blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob? Would God maintain a covenant relationship with unbelievers and those who trample underfoot the blood of Christ?

    Despite what many affirm, ever since Israel’s destruction in AD 70 it has been completely impossible to “re-establish Israel” as a covenant nation under God’s blessings and protection, for the only true Jews that now exist are Christians. It is only they who believe what Moses wrote and who follow God’s commandments: “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent” (John 6:29). The only true Jews that exist are those who hold to the faith of their father, Abraham. As Jesus told the Jewish sons of the devil, “If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham” (John 8:39).

    The only covenant people God recognizes today are those whose sins have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb. The only true Jews to whom any promises of God apply are Christians. They alone have a holy priesthood, are the true and holy nation—the chosen generation. God’s only true possession is constituted by those who once were not a people or nation of God, but the ones whom Jesus has called into His marvelous light: Christians (I Peter 2:5–10).

    The Lord Jesus took away from the unbelieving nation of Israel their place in the kingdom of God. Jesus told them, “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” (Matt. 21:43). Who comprises that nation? The Church of God.

    God will not consider any relationship with those who hate Him; He never has and He never will! Moreover, a foundation that God has destroyed and done away with can never be re-established. The Old Testament has been replaced and fulfilled by the New Testament. “Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matt. 26:27–28).
    The Israel of old consisted of those who shared a covenantal relationship with God, not just the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Today, the only certain way for a people to share fellowship with God, to be redeemed, is through belief in the shed, precious blood of the Lamb.”

    – Taken from “Israel, Rapture, Tribulation: “How to Sort Biblical Fact from Theological Fiction,” chapter seven “Is Modern-Day Israel God’s Chosen People?”

    I would be happy to send you a PDF of the book. Just reply to my email.

    1. Nothing is impossible with God. People who hold this viewpoint can never deal effectively with the prophecies of Revelation or the prophets who speak in terms of ethnic Israel, for example Ezk 39:25-29, or even what the Angel told Mary about messiah. My suggestion would be to take the advice of Jesus and go read Daniel 9:22-27, written to “his people” clearly Israel, not the church which obviously did not exist.

      Thanks for offering the book, but I hold a different viewpoint that includes ALL the prophecies, not just ones cherry picked to support the teachings of men.

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