30 years ago, my wife was supernaturally healed. The Lord has had us keep this testimony private until the time was right. That day has arrived.
The Disease
I was saved in December, 1992 when a coworker shared the gospel with me on a business trip. At the time, I was a captain in the US Air Force on active duty at Hanscom AFB, MA. I won’t give that complete testimony here but it is an amazing testimony in itself. Some other time.
My wife had severe asthma since she was born. As a baby, she spent the first weeks of her life in an oxygen tent. She always carried an inhaler medication, a bronchial dilator, wherever she went. These are used to fend off asthma attacks as early as possible before they become medical emergencies. Usually, they work but you can only take so much of them and if they are not effective in stopping the asthma “attack” then it can quickly become a medical emergency. (I once had a young coworker who had just started her career in IT. She was severely asthmatic. She had only been working a few months when she suddenly passed away because of an asthma attack. She failed to call 911 before being overcome by the fierceness of the attack. Unfortunately, she lived alone and no one was there to help her. That’s how dangerous severe asthma can be.)
My wife’s level of severity was similar. Several times I had to run her into the ER during a severe attack because she literally could not breath. Without quick action, an asthma attack of this severity can be fatal so it was crucial to get her into the ER immediately. Thankfully, a quick injection of the right drug resolved the attack in about 30 seconds. That happened at least twice that I can remember. It’s a very dangerous and chronic disease.
Divine Intervention
One night, my wife started having some chest tightness and wheezing, clear indication that an attack was starting. She tried the usual steps of using the inhaler and sitting in the bathroom with hot water running so she could breath in the steam. Most of the time this would stop the attack. Not this time. I could see this was going to turn into another run to the ER, so we started getting ready. But the attack was rapidly getting worse. So I was thinking about calling 911. But before I did, I told her I was going to pray for her. I placed my hands on her back and prayed. I can’t even recall what the prayer was but given the situation it was probably something like “Lord we need your help. Please stop this attack.” Honestly, I didn’t really expect anything to happen. After I finished the short prayer she said “its stopping; I can breath.” I could hear the relief in her voice and the wheezing beginning to wane with deeper breaths of air until a few minutes later, it was completely resolved. Wow. I never saw anything like that in my entire life. Never. A miracle. But I did not realize the magnitude of what had just happened until years later. From my perspective at the time, the attack was stopped through prayer. Thank you, Lord. He quite possibly saved her life in that moment, and we were incredibly grateful. I didn’t think anything more about it.
The Revelation
About 10 years later, I was thinking about that incident or maybe telling someone what happened and then the Lord gave me a revelation: I realized that since that moment 10 years ago, she had never again had an asthma attack. No wheezing, no constricted breathing, no inhalers, no runs to the hospital. I asked her to confirm if that was true and she agreed. No more asthma attacks since then. God had not only stopped the attack, in that moment 10 years ago he had completely healed her of asthma. The attack stopped because the disease no longer existed in her body. I think the feelings that accompanied that revelation are “astonished and amazed”.
The Reasons
Several reasons why I document this now:
- It was time for the story to be told. The Lord has given several revelations over time about the extent of what He had done. I was again reminded of this miracle this past week because both of us were sick with the flu. I had to go into urgent care because my flu had worked its way into my lungs and I thought it was headed towards pneumonia. Her flu worked its way into her sinuses and throat but stopped at her trachea, never moving into her lungs. When she had “the VID” a few years ago, same thing. Despite the severe symptoms, there was never a threat to her lungs which that pathogen was famous for. My point: not only is she completely healed of asthma, God continues to protect her lungs. We don’t understand it but certainly receive it with gratitude.
- I believe I must testify about it because it brings glory to God. He is a mighty God and a good Father who glorifies His Son through miracles (Acts 3:12-13), even today. I know there is debate in the church about healing and other supernatural workings of the Holy Spirit, whether or not it’s something God does today, but for us, that debate is academic. This is not second or third hand hearsay. This is eye witness testimony that is true because it happened through me to my wife.
- I hope this will encourage other believers out there that God heals. He cares about our health and wellbeing and wants us to act on faith – to trust Him. This incident I document here happened very early in my born-again Christian life. I had no teaching about healing or even much understanding about prayer or the supernatural or anything. I knew about the cross and the resurrection and that I had new life in Him as a saved person. That’s all I knew. I simply took a minute one day long ago to pray for my wife when she was quite possibly minutes away from losing her life. A few minutes away from three little boys losing their mother. I had no idea what I was doing or what I should say. But I just prayed as best I knew how for a few seconds. Faith like a mustard seed. The lesson to us was that God doesn’t do things half way. In Acts 3:7-16, when the man in the temple courts was healed through Peter, he could not only walk but was restored to complete wholeness (holoklēria). That’s what He did for my wife: holoklēria. It just took me some time to wrap my brain around that concept.
- I want to start 2025 blogging with hope. There are many things happening in the world. Strange, terrible, supernatural things that seem to fit the prophecies of the birth pang signs Jesus spoke of. Many people are frightened; looking for answers, particularly unbelievers. I will continue to write about these things because they point to the nearness of His coming for us. But I wanted the first post of this year – which, I believe, will be a very supernatural and prophetic year – to be a message of hope and a call to fully trust in our supernatural God and Messiah who calls His church to step up out of the ineffective paradigm of the last 75 years and to enter an unparalleled opportunity for the gospel. Are we going to keep our head in the sand or lift up our heads?
The Call
If we don’t start fighting for souls they’re going to be lost. It’s our mission. He gave it to us. Are we going to honor the Commanding Officer or not? Is he going to have to remove us from the fight because of failure to execute the mission? May it never be so. I believe the Lord is prepared to release us. But are we prepared to be released?
We must return to the basics of mission (Acts 1:8, et al). Churches must push every non-essential initiative off the table and expend every resource and every effort to prepare their people as top priority. Any plans for 2025 that are not directly mission essential must be shelved or cancelled. We must employ every ounce of biblical training and equipping the Lord has given us. Church leaders must teach their people to operate in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and in complete alignment with the Word of God. The enemy has pulled out all the stops and is employing every supernatural tool to deceive and enslave people.
How can you personally prepare? If you are following the ungodly principles of the world, then throw yourself at His feet in repentance and He will lift you up. If you aren’t trained, then get trained. If you aren’t equipped then get equipped. If you lack faith then get yourself in God’s Word and hang out with people that have great faith and maturity in the Word. If you are in a church that is asleep and unwilling to equip the saints for works of service, then find another church that will. Do something, anything that gets you off the dime. I know by personal experience in alignment with the Word of God the power of God as administered in healing and salvation. I sincerely hope this testimony has encouraged you to consider recalibrating your spiritual perspective, priorities, and possibilities for the year of our Lord, 2025. It is going to be an exciting year.
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I definitely believe in divine healing – I have witnessed it, and I’ve experienced it. I’ve also known people who tell the afflicted that they’re not healed because don’t have enough faith. (I beg to differ.)
I’m so glad the Lord healed your wife! I’m glad you trusted Him enough to pray for her, in spite of the years of her NOT being healed. The “Faith Hall of Fame” in Hebrews 11 lists the believers whose faith resulted in miracles but ends with the saints that didn’t get delivered, who stayed faithful to their last breath. It may be honoring their faith even more. – “The world was not worthy of them.” I also love the faith of Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, who knew their God could deliver them from the fire, “… But even if He doesn’t (they’d be faithful)” – and He did!
Bottom line: Let God be God. 😉
Amen! Often times believers dismiss the miraculous because of the counterfeit from the enemy or excess and incorrect biblical application by false teachers.
More coming soon on this topic. Thanks for your perspectives.
Praise God for your wife’s healing! I’m more than skeptical of the many who have identified themselves as faith healers on television, but God is sovereign over all circumstances.
Me too. We’ve done a detailed study in Acts 3 about the connection of healing miracles in a public setting. In that time in the very early explosive growth of the church it was always tied to the gospel.
Because of the abuse of healing by charlatans today, I think the church response has been a reaction that unfortunately has thrown the baby out with the bath water.
The problem has been incorrect application and missed opportunity for the gospel when there is genuine healing or other supernatural manifestation. Discernment is always required and the correct biblical procedure must be applied when such things happen. Does God engage supernaturally at times? I do believe so, but it will always be in alignment with a biblical pattern that must include the preaching of the gospel.
In private settings like what happened to us, it’s hard to explain except that I believe the Lord expects it to be shared in a way that brings Him glory. That is my primary intent in sharing this story.