Tonite 6pm Prayer for our Republic

This is likely the most important week in our country since its founding. I am not talking about politics. I am talking about the moral and spiritual choices in front of us right now. Do we continue supporting the shedding of innocent blood and the pursuit of wickedness? Or do we return to righteousness and holiness? Do we continue to stand idle at the suppression of the Truth? Or do we once again stand on the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus?

What happens in our nation in the near future is in the hands of God’s people. It’s always been that way. Do we turn in repentance ourselves or do we continue to embrace darkness and the rejection of the ways of the Lord? Do we refocus on the mission of the gospel or continue the status quo Laodicean church model.

Who is allowed to ascend the mountain of the LORD?

Who may go up to his holy dwelling place?
The one whose deeds are blameless
and whose motives are pure,
who does not lie, or make promises with no intention of keeping them.

Such godly people are rewarded by the LORD,
and vindicated by the God who delivers them.

Psalms 24:3-5

We must have clean hands and a pure heart, blameless, with a clear conscience before God and before men. We must start there if we expect deliverance from evil.

This may be it. The choice is on the table and there is a lot at stake. What’s it going to be?

Unite in prayer with God’s people tonight at 6pm. Please read the information in the following link for a nation wide time of prayer.

4 Nov Prayer Time

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One thought on “Tonite 6pm Prayer for our Republic

  1. Will be praying with you! I am due to come to the usa after the election, 2 weeks’ time. I am worried about what I will find. My family live there so I worry for them too.

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