Reframing the Right to Life Polemic

The current debate about the right of an innocent baby human being to be born and to live a life has been framed for many years in the context of the right of a woman to choose, “reproductive rights”, and “my body my choice”. The fundamental question is never the debate.

The fundamental question never asked by those of us who stand on the side of life is this: does a woman’s reproductive right outweigh the right of a baby human to be born and live? Which takes precedence?

Reframing the debate in this way forces the proper issues to the surface. A baby’s right is never discussed because those who stand for abortion rights have successfully framed the debate on their terms: the woman’s right to choose. As long as the debate remains framed in his way, those who choose life are always on the defensive because we are “against” something that sounds noble: “the right to choose”. It’s not noble. It’s evil. The argument on that basis obscures the real issue. We must reframe the argument to highlight the right to life.

If we can’t take a stand on the right to life of an innocent and defenseless baby then human life has little value and the door is opened for an expansion of death to other situations. It is indeed a slippery slope.

There are six things that the LORD hates,
even seven things that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that are swift to run to evil,
a false witness who pours out lies,
and a person who spreads discord among family members.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Since Roe v Wade, we’ve seen Dr Kevorkian (aka Dr Death) advocate and illegally practice euthanasia, which has become legalized in several European countries and Canada (appropriately named MAD or Medical Assistance in Dying. Presumably Dr Kevorkian is deeply regretting his life choices as he stands before God and answers for his actions.)

Since Roe v Wade, tens of millions of lives have been terminated. The ultimate irony here is that close to half were female. Women’s rights to choose?

Within the church I see many embracing the evil represented by the two watershed moral issues of our day: the right to live, and the sexual deviant behaviors that have filled our culture, becoming encoded in National policy and will ultimately lead to persecution of born again believers who stand on the Word of God.

The proponents of these profound evils see them as innovations that represent an advancement of cultural norms that will benefit civilization. They are neither innovative or beneficial. Both are deeply rooted in paganism that goes back to the beginning of human history. They have been at the center of the destruction of entire civilizations. Is ours next? They invite the judgement of the One True God, the Holy One of Israel and messiah Jesus Christ. That day is coming. That should sober us. Do we fear what man can do to us or do we fear God?

We don’t have much time to speak out publicly in forums like social media, blogs, and web sites. If things continue in the current direction, access to these technologies for those who speak against the cultural evils of our day will be curtailed out even removed. Even so, we must continue to speak. We must prophetically and boldly speak against evil in these forums as well as from pulpits, and anywhere the issues come up in conversation.

As we stand before the Judge how will we be evaluated on these issues? Did you speak? Did you show courage? Did you vote for those who defend the most innocent among us? Did you spend time in prayer? Did you offer compassionate alternatives to young women who feel they have no other choice? Do you prayerfully and financially support ministries that reach out to care for young women who are pregnant but without resources?

Our nation will soon be judged if we don’t do something.

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