Birth Pang Signs Revisited – Part 3

By my count, there are 14 birth pang signs in the Olivet Discourse across the 3 synoptic gospels. I’ve covered ten of them in part 1 & 2 of this series, which updates the original series I did awhile ago. They are still here on the site if you want to go read them.

When I was studying through the signs again to present to my home church, it occurred to me that four of the signs are the Lord’s warnings about what would happen to the church as we approach the end of the church age. See what you think.

  • Persecution and hatred of true biblical Christians.
    • A sifting of the church began during the pandemic and continues today with the increase of wickedness that has seduced the church. The moral darkness defined by scripture is now reframed by politicians, celebrities, CEOs and woke pastors as acceptable under diversity, equality, and inclusivity. The shedding of the most innocent of blood is not even spoken of in the church anymore and the S&G (Sodom & Gomorrah) community is embraced along with their sin. Right here in the Colorado Springs area, there are 17 non Catholic churches considered S&G friendly, betraying the clear teachings of scripture and an affront to God. Refusing to accept the nonsense is grounds for being cancelled, black listed, and even arrested. The cultural redefinition of moral standards is becoming grounds for persecution for those who refuse to submit, bow down, and celebrate the wickedness.
    • Hatred will come from a wicked worldwide culture as a result of the Name of Jesus. I recently watched a YouTube about a young street preacher who had taken on the difficult task to share God’s love with S&G people. He is repeatedly intimidated and shouted down and yet calmly and peacefully stands his ground, doing his best to communicate the gospel. One person wearing a rainbow shirt literally shouted in his face that she “hated Jesus”. Her inexplicable hatred and animosity towards this man and his message was evident. Demon possession is on the rise.
    • Islamists continue to threaten Jews and Christians and are already persecuting God’s people in many places around the world. Islamic imperialism has accelerated, taking firm hold in Europe, the UK, in many African countries, Bangladesh, and even the United States. Is this the predicted one world religion? Persecution of Jews and Christians is actually mandated by their religion.
    • The increase of persecution even in western nations is evident and we need to take heed because it’s coming to traditionally “Christian” nations. Here in the USA, we are not prepared. The rise of Islam across the world, the S&G agenda, termination of unborn humans, unrest, and disturbances continue to elevate evil and suppress the truth resulting in the intensifying persecution of believers.
  • Betrayal.
    • The Christian community is becoming increasingly divided between true born again believers who follow Christ and those who embrace wicked and false doctrines that have come into the church. As the latter group aligns with the one world system, they will eventually betray and persecute the former group. The time has come when true Christians must take their stand on the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
    • Friends, family, and those we once considered brothers and sisters in Christ will turn against whomever takes a solid stance on the Word of God. I have personally already experienced some of this. Have you? Leave a comment below. It’s sad and it hurts. Let’s not deny the Lord who saved us. We who believe must uphold his Word, pray like Hannah, speak the truth when given the opportunity, and do our best to maintain a clear conscience before God and men.
    • The prophecy says many will be led into sin. Those in the carnal church who embrace the wickedness will turn their back on God, abandon the Word and turn against true believers, as many already have.
  • Deception from false prophets, false messiahs.
    • Deception is mentioned 3 times in Matthew’s rendition of the Olivet discourse, the only sign that is repeated multiple times, making it an emphatic warning from the Lord to His people. The deception has to do with false messiahs and false prophets.
    • There are many self anointed apostles and prophets today. Many people follow them. It is likely these people and those who follow them are not saved due to the false doctrines and the lack of knowledge of the Word. They claim to be in the office of prophet and apostle as per the biblical prophets and apostles, and yet push all kinds of false doctrine and false prophecies that have nothing to do with the Bible. Many are guilty of using their supposed anointing from God to seduce and exploit vulnerable young women. Disgusting. Stay away from these evil people. They do not speak from the Lord but from their own corrupt minds. The verse about being held accountable for every careless word spoken is a warning specifically for these people. If a person claiming to be a prophet is predicting the future or something contrary to God’s Word don’t listen to them. It’s divination and deception under the auspices of Christianity. What we have in the Bible regarding the unfolding events of the end times is all we need. True believers should spend more time and effort learning the 14 birth pang signs (as a start). We should be more observant about the culture which manifests the signs and discern how the events of the world align with them.
    • While there have been many false messiahs and prophets through history, we must remember that these signs will occur along with the other birth pang signs. We should expect an increase in those who claim to be prophets and apostles. We must warn others against such people.
    • False prophets today have claimed to be held to a lower standard than the biblical prophets. When they speak false prophecies they shrug them off or maybe there is an apology, but no repentance. I guess in their mind, a few missed or bad prophecies are OK. Its not OK. Its just an excuse to sell more bad books, maintain their lofty positions, exploit people, and build cash flow. There’s no justification from the Word for false prophecy. All things are to be tested according to the Word of God. The prophecies from these people are not tested within their churches and not only contradict the Word but ruin people’s lives. Jesus said beware. As Paul said to Timothy, 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For there will be a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things. And they will turn away from hearing the truth, but on the other hand they will turn aside to myths. Many “myths” are now advanced in the church through false teachers and prophets because people do not test the spirits or what is spoken.
    • Let’s not despise the gift of prophecy but learn to exercise it correctly as the Word says: 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 Do not extinguish the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt. But examine all things; hold fast to what is good.
  • Lawlessness will cause love to grow cold.
    • Love as defined by the culture is not the love referred to here. That love is already cold. In my opinion, this has to be speaking of the love within the church.
    • It’s easy to love one another within the church when nothing is at stake. Jesus said “I give you a new commandment—to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples—if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35) I believe this is the love that will grow cold in the end times; love for one another as we are increasingly divided over moral issues reframed as political issues.
    • Consider a scenario: using social media powered by demonically energized AI engines, many in the church begin to abandon the clear teaching of the Bible and embrace the wickedness of the culture: indiscriminate shedding of innocent blood, Sodom and Gomorrah behaviors, and Israel. Pastors, unwilling to submit to and teach the biblical perspective about these issues from the pulpit, give the devil a foothold in their churches. Different factions emerge within the church as a divide is created between those who embrace the wicked and those who stand on the Word. True believers, those who take a stand on the Word of God and speak out for the truth are marginalized, disparaged, and isolated in the church, forcing them to submit or leave. Those within the church who embrace this darkness continue in ever increasing lawlessness. This is essentially what has happened in some major denominations such as the United Methodists. Pastors and teachers have a high calling and must be vigilant and discerning about what is taking hold in their churches.
    • It is the wicked masquerading as Christians whose love will grow cold – the love of God and the love of those within the church. Remember that we show love towards God by obeying the commandments.
      • John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey my commandments.
      • John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him.
      • Matthew 7:22-23 On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy
        in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many powerful deeds in your
        name? ’Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!
    • For the part of the church that now embraces the practices of the S&G community, they
      clearly violate the scriptures which says: For this is God’s will: that you become holy, that
      you keep away from sexual immorality, that each of you know how to possess his own
      body in holiness and honor, not in lustful passion like the Gentiles who do not know God.
      (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

If you are a part of a good church, be vigilant and alert for these 4 birth pang signs.

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