Birth Pang Signs Revisited – Part 2

Events in the world are happening so fast, it’s hard to keep up. Almost like horses galloping through the earth bringing prophetic change that wipes out freedom and brings global tyranny through war, suppression of the truth, famine, pestilence, and death. The world was even introduced to the apocalyptic imagery of the riders of Revelation 6 during the Olympic opening “ceremony”.

The mockery made of the last supper dominated the news but what was largely not discussed was the depiction of the white horse and the pale green horse of Revelation. The white horse represents global tyranny and the pale green horse represents Death. So what are the people behind this well designed and symbolic “ceremony” at the Olympics trying to tell the world?

The truth is those without discernment missed this imagery which, to be frank, was depicted with some accuracy. Hidden in plain sight; unheeded by the spiritually blind.

As evil as it was I have to admit there was some clarity in my mind brought with the white horse image at the Olympics – something I had not fully understood until that depiction. The rider of the white horse has the victors crown and also carries a bow (toxon) which can indicate several things depending on context but the one verse the white horse gets is vague and hard to fully understand. But the image at the Olympics had the rider draped with the flag of the Olympics with the five rainbow colored rings. Rainbow. Toxon? Yes, the Greek word can mean a rainbow. Is the rainbow flag a mechanism of conquest? This possibility was identified by a British street preacher Joe Kirby. Just some speculation…but intriguing nonetheless.

The 4 horses of Revelation won’t begin their gallop until Daniel’s 70th week begins but there will be signs that portend their appearance; “birth pang” signs that Jesus gave us right there in the Bible. Those of us who believe should commit these signs to memory and heed them.

That’s why I thought I’d update a previous series of posts on the birth pang signs. Part 1 addressed the signs to look for in the culture. And there are plenty of those. The world has gone off the rails and it’s hard to make sense of the turmoil, lawlessness, and violence. But it was all foreseen by the Messiah. It’s all happening just as he said.

In a response to a few questions brought to him by 4 of his disciples, Jesus gives them (and any disciple) a detailed briefing on some things that would happen; harbingers of the end of the age and of His return for His church.

Are you a disciple of Jesus? If you are, then the briefing is for you too. It’s covered in Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21. In it He identifies, across the gospels, 14 “birth pang” signs. If we know the signs, all of a sudden it’s possible to make sense of the world. It’s possible to understand such things as the Olympic opening ceremony. If we don’t know the signs, then it’s actually possible that we find ourselves caught up in the events that the signs describe without recognizing what’s happening – even being deceived as the world is now being deceived. One day there is peace and relative calm and the next day, the world is coming apart around you and it becomes very personal. Just ask those in the United Kingdom or in Israel. Are you carried along by the day to day demands of the moment? Have you taken the time to look up at the gathering storm clouds of the end times? Jesus remarked to the Pharisees:

He said, “When evening comes you say, ‘It will be fair weather, because the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, because the sky is red and darkening.’ You know how to judge correctly the appearance of the sky, but you cannot evaluate the signs of the times.

Matthew 16:2-3

The signs were there for the Pharisees but they could not evaluate them. Why? You need an understanding of the Word of God to properly evaluate the signs of the times. The Pharisees had nullified the Word of God with their traditions. They had become blind guides.

If you disregard or dismiss the things plainly written in the prophecies, then how can you evaluate the signs of the times? We have the prophetic signs. They’ve been given to us. It’s all right there. But have our day-to-day demands and our seminary informed church traditions nullified the Word of God once again?

The signs given can only be evaluated by believers who take the Word of God seriously. It’s living and active, not dead and buried. The Holy Spirit put things in the Word for a reason. Some things are there so that when the time came, we could properly discern the signs of the times. Well, here we are.

I don’t expect that unbelievers can evaluate anything spiritual and prophetic, but born again believers have the capacity and the responsibility. We have the information. The Lord expects us to heed it. Evaluation is the challenge. Prayerfully ask, seek, knock.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8

The last post covered the birth pang signs in the culture that would indicate the soon approaching return of the Lord for His church. This post will identify the birth pang signs occurring in the heavens, the earth, and in the human population. These signs portend the seal judgements which come later and are far worse.

  • (Great) earthquakes in various places. Three signs occur on the earth “in various places”. “Various places” is a “technology” statement (to quote Dr Chuck Missler) in that it implies the technology to observe that was not available until very recently with computer technology and the internet. How would first century Christians be able to evaluate this sign without data? Today earthquake data is available from the USGS that includes all kinds of parameters including precise location and magnitude. I can (and have) downloaded and analyzed thousands of earthquake data points using AI powered analysis tools. I can see “various places” in any way I choose. 
    • The other two synoptic gospels mention earthquakes but Luke is the only gospel that adds the word “great” (megas). Interestingly, one of the USGS earthquake categories is the “great” quake, 7.0 and higher. These earthquakes cause serious damage. They happen around 10-20 times per year globally. There is usually only one earthquake per year with a magnitude between 8 and 10. No earthquake of 10 or higher has ever been recorded ( Large earthquakes (greater than 8.0 in magnitude) have indeed struck the Earth at a record high rate since 2004.
  • Famine in various places. This sign intersects with the black horse rider of Revelation which may represent the full expression of this sign. There are famines in various places today but data from 2020 shows death from famine was a reduced trend since the 19th century, particularly since the 1970s according to 
    • According to the UN in a story dated in 2020, “…135 million people faced acute food insecurity before the pandemic, that number is expected to almost double this year [2021], to 270 million people ( I don’t have data for the current year but I doubt things have improved. But a lot has happened since 2020 and famine is growing, exacerbated by war, global weather events, escalating prices, and reduced availability of food and agricultural inputs.
    • The war in Ukraine has already disrupted global grain supply and fertilizer exports from Russia, a major supplier of urea needed for crop yield. The biggest threat of famine is, of course, in poor nations where they cannot afford the agricultural inputs to produce required yields, and the inability to afford the increased cost of grain on the open market. Famine and war are happening in many African nations but we never hear about it since only the propaganda about Gaza is all we get.
  • Plagues in various places. Luke mentions plagues (pestilence, disease), a close associate of famine, cold, and war. Natural and engineered pathogens are now a threat to the population. What is the next deadly pathogen to be released upon the population of the earth as a pretext for increased global tyranny through the World Health Organization?  
    • mRNA technology, also under continued development, has proven unsafe, usurping and diminishing the natural function of the immune system. Recent data has shown about a 10% drop in the birth rates and a significant rise in “excess deaths” around the world after the pandemic, death that cannot be attributed to any one cause. Is there a link with the jab so many people received?
    • Moderna will soon roll out mRNA “vaccines” for flu, RSV, herpes, shingles, and other more common pathogens. Do your homework. mRNA technology may one day be the only option available for vaccination of the population. What are the proprietary laboratories engineering into the RNA instruction set? What are they going to program into our bodies at the cellular level? The elites know but don’t bet on them providing you the information. We will only see the effects after it’s too late. Whatever they are building into the instruction set that will be encoded into your DNA, its not going to be good.

Famine, disease, and a compromised immune system. Was the Olympics opening ceremony telegraphing the intent of elites for the near future? Is the pale green horse about to ride? I don’t think that will happen until after the rapture of the church but the birth pang signs are a run up to that time.

  • Terrors. Terrors (Olive Tree Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary) – to fear, be afraid, to be struck with fear, to be seized with alarm of those startled by strange sights or occurrences…
    • One of the most terrifying phenomena since WWII is UFO sightings, abductions, cattle mutilations, crop circles, unexplained disappearances or thousands of people, demonic manifestations, sleep paralysis, and other very mysterious, supernatural manifestations. For the first time there are public government hearings about UAPs and reported interactions with “aliens”, including testimony from people who have first hand knowledge that this stuff is real.
    • Few Christians understand the implications of the phenomena almost always terrifying and connected by some researchers to the coming great deception. Many of these phenomena are on the increase in a world that has rejected the God of the Bible, giving room for dark spiritual forces and a foothold for the devil.
  • Great signs from Heaven. Consider the purpose for the lights in the heavens:
    • And God said, “Let luminaries come into being in the firmament of the sky for illumination of the earth, to separate between the day and between the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years. Genesis 1:14 (LXX)
    • Sign: signal; a distinguishing mark, banner, remembrance, miraculous sign, omen, warning.
    • The sun and moon are indicated in prophecy as important beacons or omens signaling the fulfillment of prophecy or warning. Jesus would say in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken.”
    • Recently we had simultaneously 3 signs in the heavens: a total solar eclipse, a comet that could only be seen at that time during the eclipse, and the alignment of several planets. Remember? The comet was even labeled “the devil’s comet”. Now isn’t that interesting. Coincidence or sign? Based on Genesis 1:14, and the extremely rare and even unique alignment of the sun, moon, comet, and planets, I think it was a sign given the proximity to all that is happening in the world. What does the sign say? In my opinion: Wake up, look up. Remember that it is the Lord who made the heavens and the earth. He alone knows the end from the beginning. The heavens and the movement of the planets declare that He is sovereign and all of His Word shall be fulfilled to every detail, Olympic ceremony notwithstanding. Remember, ALL of the signs happen together to establish the fact that the they are indeed birth pang signs.
    • Signs in the heavens? I think we can tick that box.

I was hoping to close out the birth pang signs with this post, but this is long enough and I have 4 more to cover that I believe are specific things that will happen to the church. Next post.

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