Birth Pang Signs Revisited – Part 1

Awhile back I did a series of posts about the birth pang signs identified by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse. I believe we live in prophetic times in which these signs are increasingly present so I thought I’d update the post in a more summarized way. What compelled me to reissue the post is the situation in the UK. Hope you find it helpful.

There are, across the synoptic gospels, 14 separate signs mentioned by the Lord. Most signs are manifested in nature and culture but there are also signs that I believe are specific to the church.

Many of the things identified as signs by Jesus have happened throughout history, so what makes a birth pang sign? The key is found in the following verse:

Matthew 24:33-34 So also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

The fact that they all happen together with increasing frequency and intensity, and within the timeframe of a generation is what makes them birth pang signs. Our task as believers is to observe and discern what happens around us to assess if all signs identified are present.

One other interesting point: only recently with the advent of Internet technology have we been able to observe widely enough to make the assessment. Here are what I call the cultural birth pang signs:

  • Deception, particularly about who is the messiah. This is the only sign with repeated warning throughout the discourse (Mat 24:4-5, 11, 23-26).
    • How many Christians put their trust in mortal men or institutions today? Many Christians revere their pastors instead of following Jesus. This was a problem in the early church as it still is today. (1 Corinthians 3:4-6)
    • Today we have mega churches with deception and false doctrine flowing from the pulpit on a colossal scale.
  • Wars and rumors of wars. Not to dismiss other wars around the world but I believe the this prophecy is increasingly centered on the restored nation of Israel. There are many prophesied wars coming to that region.
  • Disturbances (akatastasia – instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion).
    • This sign is unique to Luke.
    • Indicates increasing disorder; unrest; chaos. Look at what’s happening in the economy, politics, even the Olympics.
    • The disorder in the UK is an example of this sign. Millions of migrants with incompatible culture and values are clashing with British people. It’s getting out of control, increasing in frequency and intensity. It’s lawless.
  • Nation rising against nation (ethnos – a multitude…associated or living together; individuals of the same nature; a tribe, nation, people group). This almost sounds like the same as wars but not necessarily. It’s more about ethnic or political groups rising against each other. Left against right. Migrants against indigenous. Antisemitism is probably the best example.
  • Kingdom rising against kingdom. Wars, ethnic conflict, unrest are already covered so what is this? This, in my opinion, is of the most concern because it’s in the spiritual realm: the kingdom of darkness rising up to oppose the Kingdom of God.
    • As the world turns its back on God, the ancient spirits once suppressed by the gospel are rushing back in to fill the spiritual vacuum.
    • There is an undeniable and increasing return to paganism, even in the church. Look at the world religions rising today: Islam, New Age, Mormonism. All pagan.

It’s interesting to see how interconnected the birth pang signs are. The bad news is things will get much worse. The good news is born again beginners are soon going home. In the meantime, be of sound mind, abiding faith, and pure heart.

There is a lot more to cover so I’ll publish a second post. Please pray for the brothers and sisters around the world and our country. Also pray for the situation in Israel and in the UK.

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