Electrification and the Church

I wonder how many churches are aware of the “electrification” requirements that are rapidly being written into law at the federal and state level?

My guess? Not that many. Maybe none. If you pastor a church or go to a church facility, you might want to get smart on the green goals in your state. The electrification requirements coming down the pike will eventually cost churches a lot of money in required upgrades.

Research these requirements. There are aggressive goals to achieve so called “net zero” by 2030 that will impact your facility.

For homeowners, similar requirements are coming. The expected cost to upgrade your home is $50k. Not many have that kind of money. Scale that up by a factor of 10 for a medium size church facility.

Where is the money going to come from? People are out of money.

Churches have many things to think about and plan for in the next 6-12 months. What is the Lord calling you to do right now? Seek His guidance. We are all going to need it.

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