Historic Dallas Church Building Gone

Well, churches around the world continue to go up in flames. Today, an historic Baptist church, since 1890, in Dallas, is no more. The pastor, on the verge of tears, remarked how the building is not the church. Amen.

I hope pastors are preparing their people emotionally and spiritually for these prophetic days. They are not coming. They are upon us. With the increasing challenges we must deal with, will also come opportunities for the gospel. If we are not prepared, we run the risk of losing that opportunity.

Seriously, if we can view what’s happening in our world through a prophetic, biblical lens, then we’d be motivated to set our minds and hearts on the things above and to start letting go of the things of this world. Pastor Robert Jeffress found that out today.

Very sorry to see this church building gone, but let it be a wake up call.

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