Preparing for Coming Economic Challenges

There is so much going on in the economy right now that is just not reported. So many indicators are bad. What are some of the disturbing signals?

  • Cars aren’t selling. They are too expensive and nobody can afford them. Inventory is stacking up and dealers are refusing deliveries from manufacturers.
  • Homes aren’t selling because prices and interest rates are too high. People can no longer qualify for loan approvals.
  • Property taxes and insurance are up with rising home valuations. This is making homes unaffordable for many. Mortgage delinquencies are also up.
  • Many are charging necessities such as food and gas on credit cards because they no longer have enough money to balance home budgets.
  • Credit card delinquencies are rising which means people are running out of money. Incidentally, 49% of giving is through credit cards. 80% of people who attend church manage their finances well. It’s the 20% that is of some concern.
  • Big layoffs in retail. Walmart just announced another round starting in August. Why? Sales are dropping. What happens to the economy when the big retailers see decline in sales? Many other layoffs coming in other sectors of the economy.
  • The dollar is losing its supremacy as the world reserve currency. This is a huge deal and will weaken the dollar.

Some independent analysts such as Quill Intelligence say the data indicates we are already in recession.

What does this mean for the church?

  • Get your congregations to pray for wisdom. Keep them informed about what’s happening and what you think the outlook is for your church. Use them as a source of intelligence information about what’s happening.
  • Get some of your senior members in a meeting to get their insights. What are they seeing from their knot hole in the fence? Do this at least once per quarter.
  • Expect lower contributions as your people grapple with higher costs and less money for giving.
  • Plan for more of your people to need assistance in getting food. If you can help supply food, it takes some pressure off the other bills. This may be a long term need for some.
  • Put your facility expansion and improvement plans on hold. You will need resources to help people in your congregations.
  • Collaborate with other like minded churches in your area.
  • Plan ways to turn economic stress into opportunities for the gospel. It’s easy for leaders to start wringing hands over church finances and lose sight of the mission. Put the mission first.
  • Leverage small groups as much as possible. This is where people are more likely to make their needs known. It’s also the place where people are more likely to take care of each other. If you don’t have small groups get them in place within the next few months.
  • This one may sound odd but it’s not. Apply Genesis 12:3. Bless Israel by praying for them and giving to them tangibly. See what happens.

I’m sure there are many other things church leaders can do if they tap into the brain and spiritual trust in their congregations.

Economic challenges are coming. But with them will come amazing opportunities to see the hand of God move. May it be so, in Jesus Name.

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