Where is the world headed according to the bible? Will things kind of stay the same? I don’t think anyone believes that. The super rich and powerful have their plans for the world – a one world government, religion, financial system, economy. Everything is going global – just as predicted in the Bible. There is an end to it all but not the end defined by globalists.
The big picture “end state”, what I call the final reality, is defined clearly in the scriptures Revelation 21:1-8. Take a look. Two outcomes, depending on what you do with this life, what you believe, who you choose. One is glorious, the other, terrifying. But its real and its coming. There are no other alternatives and nothing can stop it.
The Kingdom of God is the final state. The Father and the Son together with their people. A New creation in a righteous, holy kingdom where there is no wickedness, darkness, or sin.
But sin did, in fact, enter into the world through Adam and God’s judgement followed. Access to the Tree of Life was cut off and Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of Eden.
All of scripture is the path back to the Kingdom of God. There is only one path, not many. The glorious reality of the Kingdom will one day be here in its fullness as promised by the Lord. He has provided many details about the Kingdom in the bible.
Most teachings I’ve heard in church and in bible studies are in the context of salvation and how to live today. The gospel is the key to salvation which is of primary importance to all people. But it is the gospel of the Kingdom. We who believe the gospel are saved – we have eternal life and a place in heaven. But the scriptures have so much more detail about what that means.
I’ve found that most Christians know very little about biblical prophecy and even less about the Kingdom of God, our inheritance as believers. Teaching the Kingdom of God does not seem to be a priority in the church. Teaching in the church seems limited mostly to today’s problems and needs. Its all about this life with no vision for what is coming. And yet the secret to today’s life, issues, problems and needs was given to us by Jesus:
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
“Seek first.” Seems a priority and yet we don’t know much about it. The Kingdom of God as described by the Apostles and the prophets and by the Lord Jesus will happen – it is coming.
In the fulness of God’s Kingdom, all things will be made new. New heavens, new Earth, and the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. Everything you see around you today: injustice, evil, darkness, chaos, lawlessness, will be disposed of. Things will be set right by the God of Heaven. All new.
The Kingdom of God is the final reality for the righteous. The righteous are defined as those who are saved, who have repented of their sin and become followers of messiah, the anointed one, the Light of the world, the bread of life, the good shepherd, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is the inheritance of the saints. When the fullness of God’s Kingdom comes, it will be pure, holy, undefiled by sin. The wicked (as defined in the bible), along with death and Hades, will be permanently disposed of in the lake of fire.
I have also never heard teaching about the lake of fire or the second death. And yet the bible speaks of the lake of fire as the final reality of the wicked, those who reject the one true God and His ways.
To reject the one true God and His ways is a sure path to the lake of fire. In this life, there is opportunity to repent and believe the Gospel of the Kingdom – a literal change of direction from a path that leads to the lake of fire, to a different path – the path of righteousness in Christ who is the Way. The Way home; the Way to an everlasting Kingdom that is coming but not here yet.
The path of repentance and faith is narrow, but a well worn and well lighted path to the glorious Kingdom of God. The offer to be part of this Kingdom is one made to every person.
While you live and draw breath, the offer of God’s Kingdom is available to you. All you have to do is take it on His very simple conditions: to repent of your sin and to trust Jesus Christ alone for salvation – eternal life. If you die without receiving this free gift, the offer is forever withdrawn. You come into a judgement that is final – there is no going back, only eternal regret.
Many people do not take the Lord up on his offer perhaps because they do not know of it. Its hidden from them by a dark culture controlled by dark forces who do not want you to know. That’s my purpose for this blog. With this blog, I intend to describe the Kingdom of God as related in the scriptures. I will clearly explain the gospel message that leads to salvation.
I will also describe the lake of fire because it is real. You must understand the very high stakes so you can make an informed choice.
Which path are you on? The default path is the path that leads to the lake of fire because we are all sinners and the recompense for sin is judgement – the second death. Not choosing or ignoring or rejecting makes no difference. Rejecting truth does not change reality, only your place in it.
I have to be precise here about Jesus. The Jesus I relate here is the Jesus of the bible. Not the Mormon Jesus or the Jesus of the Watchtower Society, or the Jesus as related by Muslims, or the New Age Jesus. These depictions of Jesus are false. The truth is that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords seated far above all principality, ruler, authority. He is far above the dark spiritual forces who deceive people. The Jesus as related in the bible is the only way to the Kingdom of God. There is no other path to God, to eternal life, to an amazing existence in a promised Kingdom that shall crush all other kingdoms.
6 Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
Rejecting truth does not change reality, only your place in it.
If you want to know about the Jesus of the bible – the only one there is and how to receive eternal life and a place in His Kingdom, please see “Steps to Eternal Life” page on this site.
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